Chapter 15: Bring me to life

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***Ban's P.O.V***

After taking out the two demons with the shield and whatever the other girl did since I wasn't really listening because I was too busy singing 'my immortal' by Evanescence in my head, I was punching and kicking my way through the crowd of demons like

WHAM!    BAM!     POW!

Well, not exactly like that. Some of these dead demonic things are tougher than they look. I ran into this very small looking girl and I went to kill her, thinking 'This one'll be a piece of cake!'. Boy, I fucked that up.

The little runt punched me in the gut with a massive fireball! It was almost as big as that old man Cane, our gym teacher.Luckily I regenerated in time and snapped that stupid kid's neck and stole it's eyes before smashing them into pieces.

But anyhoo, back to the present.

"Without a soul,~" I sang 'Bring me to life' by Evanescence as I stole and smashed the eyes of fur demonic dead things. "My spirit sleeping somewhere cold~"

"Until you find it there and lead it back hooome~" I whispered that bit and killed a demonic thing.

I swung my nun chucks everywhere and annihilated almost all the demons in the hall, yelling  "Wake me up! Wake me up inside!~"

"I can't wake up! Wake me up inside! Save me. Call my name and save me from the dark-" I was singing when someone in the shadows yelled


I whipped my head around and stared into the shadows as a girl stepped out. She had long purple hair down to her knees and red eyes, nope never mind they were black like a regular demon's, and a yo-yo in her hand.

"Huh, so you're the lil' punk who hates my singing." I said.

"Do you even realise how painful it is to hear you sing?" She said in  heavily french accent. "It's like listening to a tone deaf drunken dog!"

"Hey!" I said, offended. "It's not that bad! You're just exaggerating, mean puppet lady."

"It's true. And I am glad you figured out I'm the one in control of my little puppet demons. It makes things easier. Let's get on with this, it'll be a piece of cake." the french girl who we'll call Shadow said evily, smirking.

"Agreed!" I grinned and shrugged, pulling out my nun-chucks. "Let's just get it over with."

"No, you are not going to be fighting me." Shadow smirked. "You killed all my little puppets with ease, but, lets see how you handle killing my favourite. But first, a deal."

"What type of deal?"

"My puppet that you will fight is very important to you or one of your comrades. You have to either beat it in combat or beat me, and I will release it from my spell and revive it, no strings attached, pardon my pun, but if not, you'll be dead and I can use you as a personal slave."

I was confused but I thought that no harm would come from this so I agreed. "Fine, I accept. But if you break the deal I will kill you."

"Positively fantastic!" Shadow giggled evilly and called out "My dear! Come out and kill this badly singing man!"

A small child floated out of the shadows beside Shadow. She had shortish straight blonde hair and a white dress. But instead of golden eyes, there were black ones.


"E-Elaine?" I stuttered, I was frozen.

"She's not 'Elaine' any longer. This is Darling." Shadow pointed at me. "Kill him Darling, and be quick."

Elaine lunged at me and threw roots towards me, I jumped back on impulse, fending them off. My body moved instinctively as Elaine pulled out a sword with an emerald hilt from nowhere and charged at me. I blocked her sword.

"Elaine, it's me, Ban. Remember?"  I said as I dodged yet again another attack of the roots.

"She most likely won't hear you, she's in a trance." Shadow unhelpfully called out, cackling mischievously.

While I fought an Idea sparked in my brain. I could bring her out of the trance by reminding her of one of her favourite memories. Terrible plan, I know, but it was worth a shot. Thinking of what her favourite memories could be, I remembered one:

I was looking for someone to dance with. It was King's 13th birthday and there was this huge ball thing the whole school was attending. Everyone had a date except me.

I wandered over to the punch table figuring I would get a drink 'cause there was no one to dance with. I was filling my cup when I heard it. "Jerry, stop it!" a girl said.

Turning around , I saw a girl with blonde hair and golden eyes being cornered by a drunk looking man whom I presumed was Jerry who was trying to kiss her. "S-stop it, please!"

"Hey, you heard the lady, leave her alone before I knock out all your front teeth." I told him. He kind of hobbled away. "Sorry about that, anyway, I'm Ban, and you?"

"Elaine. Thanks for helping me." Elaine said. 'Bring me to life' by Evanescence started to play and Elaine squealed "I love this song!"

"You love it too huh?" I smirked. "Then would you care to dance to it with me?" I said mockingly, bowing. 

Surprisingly, I heard "Yeah, sure! Lets go!"an she grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor.

I knew what I had to do. I got close to her while defending myself  from her attacks. "Wake me up! Bid my blood to run!~"

Elaine stopped mid attack.

"I can't wake up! Before I come undone!-" I continued singing. Her eyes flickered from black to her natural gold to black again.

"Noooo!" Screamed Shadow, her stupid smirk gone. "Stop!!!!!"

"Save me! Save me from the nothing I've become!~"

A black mist rose from Elaine and her eyes were gold again. The mist flew backwards to a terrified Shadow and as it passed through her body she turned to stone, and crumbled away. The next thing I know is I'm being hugged by a sobbing Elaine.

"Sup Elaine."

"Ban! I missed you and your awful singing, you don't understand how much!" Elaine sobbed happily.

"I missed you too, but don't tell anyone." I said.

Suddenly the world went black.

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