Chapter 6: The Sleepover Pt2

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***Ban's P.O.V ***

The Cap'n really is clueless. He doesn't know why Elizabeth is mad at him?
Seriously, this guy is too innocent and dumb for his own good. I, of course, know why. It's because he pressured her to tell him things, and the medicine incident.

Anyway, I ran to King and jumped on to his cushion, pushing him off. He screamed, forgetting he could fly. When he realised it, he blushed and glared at me, while everyone else just laughed.

We all just kept laughing and talking all the way to Diane's. Her house is really big. She's a giant, God. I really am dumb! I ran to the kitchen.

'Oh Hello, everyone!' Diane's parents said. Her mum frowned. 'Meliodas, what on earth happened?!?'

Meliodas, acting like the injuries don't bother him, just shrugged.


Diane's mum frowned still, but let it drop.

'Okay, The tent is set up out back. Elizabeth is in there. Have fun!'

Everyone ran outside and I yelled to King, 'Race ya!' And I sprinted as king flew.

I reached the tent and got through the entrance in a draw with King. We both stood in shock at how the tent looked.

It was quite large, about the size of a living room. There was a rug covering the floor and pillows littering the floor. There was also Diane and Elizabeth's Sleeping bags set up. There were lights hanging around the tent walls, giving it a very cosy, warm look, as if the tent was lit up by a fire.

In the middle of the room was Elizabeth.

The others entered the tent. Elizabeth and Meliodas froze when they saw each other.

*** Meliodas P.O.V ***

I froze when I caught Elizabeth's gaze. Her eyes were sad. I felt guilty for yelling at her. I didn't mean to hurt her.

Her eyes looked me all over, widening at all the cuts and bruises all over me. Elizabeth Ran towards me and hugged me. I hugged her back. We said nothing.

The others ignored this.
'Lets eat!' Ban yelled. The others cheered and we grabbed cake and juice.

All the sins and I were all talking, exchanging jokes, goofing off and laughing. It was really fun. We kept laughing for what seemed like hours.

I wonder why she isn't mad at me? Or maybe she still is... My thoughts were interrupted by Ban scaring King into spilling his juice all over him. We all laughed because it looked like he had peed himself.

'I think I am gonna get changed into my PJ's now,' he declared. Diane looked at the time, then nodded.

'Good Idea, its almost eight. We should all get changed!' Diane ordered.

Elizabeth clapped her hands excitedly. 'Then we can watch a movie!'

So we all went to get changed. I was changed first. I had on white shorts with a white and green top that said "Leprapig" on it, with a picture of a pink pig with a leprechaun's hat on it.

Diane was next. She was wearing a play suit that was orange. It had a white lacy collar and cuffs. It complimented her purple eyes and made her legs look really long.

Then Ban came clambering in the tent. He had a pair of red PJ Trousers on. No top.

'No t-shirt?' Diane asked, annoyed.

'Nope,' Ban said. The others seemed comfortable with it not on though, so it was fine.

King came in. He had blue PJ's on that had a picture of a cup on it. It read "Champion". He was hugging his chastefol, in pillow form.

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