Chapter 5: Sleepover Pt1

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*** Meliodas P.O.V ***

I woke up to sunlight streaming onto my face. I yawned and looked around then I realised I was still on the balcony. I might have been a bit rude to the others last night, especially Elizabeth. I should apologise at the sleepover. The SLEEPOVER!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET???!?!

I jumped up and ran to get changed. I put on A pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt saying "I'm awesome." on it. The clock said 16:57. Shit I will be late it starts at 17:00!!! I put on a pair of trainers, grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs.

... Then I remembered I was in the BoarHat. Not my old house. I sneakily creeped into the kitchen and up to where Aunt Daisy was making toast and stole a slice. I thought I had gotten away with it when I was rapped on the head with a wooden spoon.

'Think you can steal my food and get away from it do you?' I turned around to see my Aunt holding a wooden spoon. Where'd she get that spoon from?

I shook my head and put on an innocent face. 'Oh no, never Auntie flowerpot.' She turned bright red. I bolted...

And ran out the back door into Zeldris and Estarossa. They smirked evilly, I knew what they wanted to do. I turned to run but Estarossa grabbed me by the hair.

'Where do you think you are going, you lil' brat?' He taunted. I just squirmed.

'I believe thats MY toast you're eating.' Zeldris said camly. I shook my head defiantly and swallowed it all. Fucking big mistake.

'Thats it, runt. Tie him to that branch. I'm gonna fucking punch his little face in!' Estarossa snapped. He let his demon powers out, he has always had a short temper. Zeldris lets his out whenever, not when he's mad.

They tied me up to the tree and started to use me as a punching bag. They both had their demon powers out so it hurt like a bitch.

After they stopped punching me, Zeldris cracked his knuckles.
'Estarossa, get the tools out the shed,' he smiled. I winced. Estarossa was grinning as he came back with a box labelled "punishment". This is gonna be good. Note the sarcasm.

Zeldris and Estarossa each selected a weapon. Zeldris had a barbed wire whip, as usual. Estarossa, unusually, picked metal gloves. In case you don't know what that means, Zeldris will whip me and Estarossa will punch me while wearing the gloves.

'Lets get started,' Estarossa smirked. As they began to practically torture me, I blocked out my surroundings and focused on not becoming angry. Not letting myself be swallowed in my anger. My mind wandered on to Elizabeth. Her hair, her eyes. I thought of when she laughed. It was adorable. Could I possibly be ...

*** Aunt Daisy P.O.V ***

I watched out the window, drying dishes as Meliodas' brothers beat him mercilessly. I just sighed.

It has always been this way. For Hundreds of years, Demons have always sought out and abused runts. It doesn't matter wither the demon was male or female. It was:

¤ If he/she was born without a demon mark activated.

¤ If she/he was a small baby, weaker than others.

¤ Or if the kid didn't have the correct traits for a demon. Aka Mean, spiteful, a bully, heartless ect.

Meliodas ticked all 3 boxes. Therefore he was proclaimed a runt and allowed to get abused and no demon will lift a finger to help him.

My sister, Meliodas, Estarossa and Zeldris' mother, and I wasn't a runt but we weren't as heartless and cruel as our husbands, Demero and Anderson. Anderson treated Maria like a queen and Demero did the same for me. Demons aren't all bad. They are just very protective and also very bias.

Maria and I did not approve of the thongs you did to runts, but we did not object, as it was demon laws. I had two runt girls born before Hawk. Demero snapped their necks after a week of their life.

Cruel? Maybe. But what Anderson did was crueler, I think.

He kept Meliodas alive. It sounds like I am a monster but it is true. When Meliodas was born, he was a weakling on all levels. Anderson wanted to kill him, saying that two fine boys was enough but Maria was attached to him for some reason. Anderson tried to take Meliodas, but Maria fought him for it and eventually won.

That came at a price because she became a runt, essentially. She was diagnosed with heart cancer when Meliodas was three, and died when he was seven.

While Maria was alive, she used to be able to protect him from the bullying and torture to a level, and look after him. Now, she can't and he is all alone in his battle to survive. Dark stuuf I think about, honetly.

I realised that they had finished beating him up and had left him like a bloody mess on the ground. I just tutted and went back to the dishes.

*** Meliodas P.O.V ***

I was about to get up when I felt a giant hand tenderly lift me up. I opened one swollen eye and looked at a girl. Not just any girl, DIANE!!!!
She looked very concerned, i could see it in her purple eyes. Wait... Diane is a giant?????

'Cap'n, you ok?!? Should I take you to a hospital?!?' She panicked.

'Diane he'll be fine, let us see him!' A voice yelled from on the ground. Ban.

I was placed on the ground. Right in front of the sins. Everyone was there, except Elizabeth. Where is Elizabeth?!?!? They where all staring at me.

'Guys why are you staring? I'm fine, lets go to Diane's now. Lets not ruin my first sleepover, k?' I smiled. But on the inside, I am dying. As in dipped in lava, covered in acid and sprinkled with bleach then set on fucking fire painful. But they don't know that.
They didn't look convinced, but started walking.

King flew up to Diane and started chatting, Gowther and Merlin started discussing books and Ban walked beside me.

'Where's Elizabeth?' I asked.
Ban looked at me.

'She told Diane she is mad at you and hasn't forgiven you for something.' Ban laughed at my clueless face.

'C'mon, are you telling me that you seriously don't know what you did?'
I nodded.

'Yup, pretty much. Although I think it might have been because I kept asking her what happened yesterday and that I found out about her medicine.' Ban looked surprised.
'I don't know what its for though, tell me???'

Ban just shook his head. 'Nope.'







I started chasing Ban and the others laughed. I just wondered if Elizabeth and I are still friends.

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