Chapter 18- Epilogue

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**** 3rd P.O.V****

'Are you nervous?' Diane asked Elizabeth as they stood at the stairs beside the stage.

'Y-Yeah,' Elizabeth answered, stuttering. Why? Oh, because a certain Meliodas kept smirking at her from about ten feet away from her.

After the Zeldris incident, Meliodas and Elizabeth never officially started staring again but they didn't actually break up either. It was awkward between them, to say the least.

The sins completed their year at school and actually passed their exams, even Ban, who managed a C+.

It took a long time for things to get semi normal around them. They all still regularly went to a psychiatrist.

"Merlin Glutton." A voice called and Merlin walked up on stage and received her diploma thing.

"Diane Envy!"

"Gowther Lust!"

"Ban Greed!"

"Harlequin- I mean King Sloth!" He called after the secretary ran up and reminded him.

"Elai- Wait what?" Again the secretary had to whisper him things. "Oh, thanks Debby. Elaine Sloth!"

"Estarossa Wrath!" When he walked on stage the others glared.

"Elizabeth Liones!"

"And finally, Meliodas Wrath!" When he received his diploma everyone clapped very loudly. He went and stood beside his friends and Elizabeth. In between her and Estarossa, and the   two boys grinned at each other.

"I now pronounce you the graduating class of 2018!"

The school field erupted into applause. People were screaming and crying and hugging and taking pictures.

'So,...' Elizabeth said akwardly to Meliodas. His grin made her go all mushy inside. ' Um... Well, I've been thinking. A-About you know us- and I was wondering if you'd go out with me still...'

'I thought we were still doing that.' Meliodas smiled, grabbing her hand. 'But sure.'

'Okay, so um...' Elizabeth said with a cherry red face.

'Just shut up and kiss me already.' Meliodas grinned and pulled her into a kiss.
Something told them that it would take more than graduation to split them apart.

The end.

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