Chapter 14: help

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***Elizabeth's P.O.V***

I couldn't tell whether it was night or day. I couldn't tell whether it was the morning, the night or the afternoon. I didn't care anymore. It felt like years, lying here in a daze, unmoving, still. As if,I was Dead. No, I wasn't. I looked at my bruised and bleeding stomach. It rose and fell.

My entire body ached, for different reasons. I was caked in dry blood, some have been there for a while. There were cuts, bruises and wounds everywhere. It wasn't however, painful anymore.

For a while I wondered if I could still feel pain. So I moved my wrists. The Iron bit into my skin and I winced. I was still living.

But what for?

I was here being tortured and hurt, for what reason? What did the dark haired man say? 

"For loving my brother."

Meliodas. Images of his face, his hair, his smile, his beautiful green eyes, shot up in my mind. I was here because of him. I was half dead because of him. I was hurt because of him. But no matter what I thought, I couldn't stay mad.

I would stay strong for him. Meliodas. I knew he was coming for me, I could tell.

I shifted myself up into a sitting position, wincing every time I moved. I looked down at my shredded school uniform. There were so many cuts and holes that you couldn't even call it clothes. it exposed my pants and bra. it brought back what happened last 'Play time'...


"You ready to play again, Lizzy?" The man with dark hair, Zeldris, said. He smirked. He calls me Lizzy, and I hate it.

"What do you want me to use this time, Lizzy?"  He asked, bringing out his 'Toy Box'. "Hmm, not an axe, you can't regenerate so it's not fun, we used a hammer last time so not that... this is so hard! What do you think I should use today?"

I shrugged. I didn't want any of them.

Zeldris was still mockingly trying to decide what weapon to use. "Don't know huh? How about a taser? Oh, I like that Idea. Ooh, I could brand you. What do you think?" I shrugged again.

"Well, now that's decided we can begin."

He came to me with a taser and began to taser me. It hurt a lot and made me unable to move. He took a red hot rod with the Chinese symbols meaning 'worthless, useless' on the end. I was unable to cry out, but my eyes must've been unable to hide the terror because he smiled even more. Zeldris branded me with the symbols just below my breasts. It was agony that never seemed to subside. He took away the brand to my relief, but picked up a knife. "The taser bored me, I want to have some fun." He cut me in a  intricate flower shape around my already agonising brand, using it as the pollen bit in the middle.

All the while he did this, as usual, he called "Oh Lizzy, you know I'm going to tell you the truth now." He smiled even wider. "You're worthless, useless, no body cares whether you live or die." He snarled the next words, his smile broadening. "Your so called friends don't care about you, they think you are trash. Repeat what I just said."

"NO." I whispered.


"I said no." I told him, louder. "They do care, they do love me, they do want me, they don't want me to die." I smiled. "Meliodas loves me, I love him, the sins will come fo-" I was cut off by a punch to the face, sending me out so the chains went taught and pulled me back to against the wall.

"Little bitch." Zeldris said, standing up. "I thought my other lessons would have taught you by now, it seems not. I will just have to teach you another way." His hands reached for his trousers and began to unbutton them.

I began to back away until my back hit the wall. "No, please no, don't to that, anything but that!" I pleaded, terrified.

"Oh shut up, bitch" Zeldris said, taking off his clothes. "Besides, I've been wanting to have some fun." 

"No I wo-" I began when his lips crashed into mine.


I shuddered at the memory. It made me want to rip my skin of and bathe until I became clean again.

I rolled over and looked at my left arm. It read "He will never love you". Zeldris carved this into my arm after he raped me, several times. 

"To remind you of what you know is true," He said.

I was awoken from my thoughts when Zeldris came back. "It's play time, and I brought my special toy." He grinned. I could just make out the label. Salt. 

I just hope Meliodas and the others come soon. I don't know how much longer I will make it here.


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