Guess Who's Back?

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It was late at night, meaning Stan and Bella were both down in the basement. The center of the portal glowed with a pulsating blue light. Stan dumped a barrel of toxic waste into a machine and Bella pulled a lever, allowing it to flow into a large glass tank.

"Come on, come on," Stan murmured. "Should be just enough to finish the job. Whew. Can't be too careful with this stuff."

"You say as you're about to wipe it on your forehead," Bella quickly caught Stan's arm and pointed out the spot of waste on the back of his glove.

"Oh. Whoops," Stan spoke. A buzzer sounded and red lights flashed in the room. The two of them smiled and turned to look at a screen, which read 'EVENT INITIALIZED' and began a countdown from eighteen hours. Stan began to read from the first journal. "Warning, blah blah blah, Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies."

"Minor my ass," Bella scoffed. "But it's fine. It's not gonna destroy the world."

"We've come this far," Stan grunted, slamming the journal shut. "We're not givin' up now!"

He pushed a button and the center of the portal began to spin. The colors surrounding it blurred together into a circular rainbow.

"Yes, this is it," Stan grinned. His fez began to float off his head as gravity was affected. A few seconds later, a giant THUNK was heard as everything fell back to Earth. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll all be worth it."

He synchronized two watches to the giant countdown and handed one to Bella. They both slipped the watches around their wrists.

"Just eighteen more hours," Bella beamed.

"Finally, everything changes," Stan finished. "Today."


That morning, Bella and Stan were walking down the hall when they came across Dipper and Mabel standing in front of a closet.

"Crazy rooftop fireworks party!" The twins exclaimed together.

"Not so fast, kids!" Stan said, causing the twins to gasp. "There is no way on Earth you're setting off those dangerous, illegal fireworks..." he grinned and bent down to put his arms around their shoulders, "without us."


The Pines family was sitting on the roof. Dipper and Bella each grabbed a popsicle from the cooler as Stan lit a firework and handed it to Mabel.

"Here you go, sweetie," Stan grinned and ruffled the girl's hair. "Set something on fire for your Grunkle Stan."

Mabel turned and aimed the firework into the trees.

"I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION!" She screamed as the firework shot off. It exploded in the air as Blubs and Durland approached the shack.

"Hold on a minute," Blubs said. "Do you have a permit for those?"

"Uh..." Dipper frowned.

"Uh, do you have a permit for being totally lame?" Stan asked. Him and the others all laughed.

"Heyooo!" Mabel cheered.

"Well, I can't argue with that," Blubs chuckled. Him and Durland walked off. "Carry on."

"Hehe. Really though, we should probably clean this up," Bella said. The four of them looked around, seeing the small spots of fire on the trees and decorations. A string of flags snapped in half and fell down.

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