Chapter 2

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"So... she sprouted wings?" Wally asked for the hundredth time it seemed. Kaldur was leaning against the wall thinking, I wondered what he was thinking. The other members surrounded me listening intently.

"Yes, Wally, she sprouted wings." I sighed annoyed. 

"The Joker was scared wasn't he?" Connor said with a smirk. "Wish I had been there." 

"I don't know if he was scared." 

"Were you scared?" M'gann asked concerned, staring at me with doe eyes. I sat there thinking. 

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled. I hated to admit it, but yeah, I was terrified, at first, I was like "sweet we are getting help" but when she broke that man's wrist, I realized she may be fighting for us, but she was trained to be a killer or worse, was born to be one. 

They kept asking me questions, mostly Wally. When Wally started asking about just how pretty she was, Artemis gave him a death glare, and he gave her a sheepish grin. 

The next day, Batman met with us. We sat there quietly looking at him. A few of the other members were there too but we had our eyes on Batman. 

"I'm sure Robin informed you of yesterday." Batman started. 

"Yeah, an angel saved both of your butts." Wally spouted laughing, Batman looked at him. Artemis hit him aside the head. He rubbed his head mumbling that she didn't have to hit him so hard, Artemis just raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I talked with the Justice League, and I think it is best if we let her join." Batman solemnly stated. 

"That quick?" Artemis asked. Batman nodded; we were all surprised it had taken us years to get here. We spent years being sidekicks or were watched for a few months before a decision was made. All this girl did was show up at the right time.  

"Her actions are... troubling. We want to be able to make sure she doesn't cause problems; she obviously has little sense of morals. I'm thinking she is from a different world; her tattoos were unlike anything I had seen, not to say, her powers." Batman further explained, it was certainly a fair point, it was better we got her before anyone else did, preferably The Light.  

"Yeah, it was almost like they were carved into her skin." I noticed M'gann rubbing her arm slightly, grimacing. 

"We'll gather the available Justice League members and then we'll meet her." Batman informed us. 

Not long after we were all gathered, Batman had a phone in his hand. He pulled out the card, dialing the number. It was so quiet you could hear the phone ringing. It went to voicemail. Batman tried again. 

"Have you ever heard of patience?" We all turned ready to attack where the voice came from. The girl raised her eyebrows with a smirk. "Tense much." She chuckled, getting off a chair she had been sitting on. She gracefully walked toward us, examining each of us. Her eyes settled on Batman, and she gave him a mischievous grin, he just stared blankly at her, slowly sliding his weapons back in his belt as did several others, myself included. 

"How did you get in?" Connor growled skeptically. She chuckled walking toward him. Gently pushing his fists down with her finger. 

"I can go anywhere I want." She said in a tone that sent a shiver down my spine. I saw Connor's vein on his neck rise, he growled, before lunging at her, she gracefully avoided the punch, along with the others before kicking him in the back with ease, causing him to stagger. She was well trained in combat fighting. M'gann came forward to help, but the girl just stared at her, causing M'gann to collapse clutching her head. I was so stunned I didn't know what to do. That made Connor angrier. He charged like a bull, and the girl held out her hand stopping him. She approached him, lifting his chin to look at her. 

"What an interesting weakness." She muttered, closing her palm, opening it again to reveal kryptonite. She waved her hand; Connor fell to the ground she merely threw the green stone at him. He curled up in a ball, she just smirked at him. 

"Enough of this." Batman announced that got the girl's attention. 

"You are spoiling my fun." She whined but smirked cruelly. Batman held his ground and she held hers. She cocked her head at him daring Batman to challenge her. 

"Don't make me regret." Batman warned, giving her a stern look. But there was more behind it, there was something else there, almost as if they knew each other. The kryptonite disappeared, and M'gann let go of her head, her cheeks wet with tears. Connor ran over to M'gann, coaxing her staring daggers at the girl. 

"Watch it Superboy, don't make me annoyed with you. I can do worse." She said not even looking at him. I looked between Batman and the girl, and Batman gave her a scalding look, that caused her to look at the floor with a sudden interest. Do they know each other? The question nagged me. Their interaction last night was a little odd, but how would Batman know a girl like her? 

"We have decided to let you join." Batman said, I noticed several eye rolls among the Justice League, and I realized the decision wasn't unanimous. Batman didn't allow anyone to join if there wasn't an unanimous vote... he wanted her... but why? There was a lot more to what was going on and thanks to how Batman trained me, I would be finding out. 

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