Chapter 18

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Nazera POV

There was a knock at my door, I sighed. Anthony was busy right now, he was at his karate class so he didn't have his phone on him, and with the team being in such a foul mood I didn't have anything better to do. 

"Come in." I called, not glancing up. I knew it was the team, but what they wanted was yet to be discovered. I had taken a short nap, but nightmares brought me out of that bliss. Miss Martian popped her head in first. 

"Are you all right if we come in?" 

"No, I think I'll go out." I closed my laptop, rubbing my eyes. Usually, I wouldn't be feeling so tired, but my body hated me. Typical. I stood, opening my door the rest of the way to see the team. They didn't seem as hostile. I rolled my eyes, folding my arms. "What did the very wise Batman tell you." 

"Wise words." Kaldur simply remarked. I smirked at him. 

"Is that supposed to be a joke?" I asked he didn't reply to that. I pushed through them heading to the kitchen, I hadn't eaten much at breakfast and was now starving, besides, it was almost time for lunch, better start making something. I began pulling out ingredients out of the fridge, while they sat at the bar. "How does chicken pot pie sound?" I asked them, they nodded slowly. Other things were obviously more pressing in their minds. I just trying not to fall asleep, nothing like being woken from nightmares that literally burned you. I had carefully hidden the burns, no need for anyone to be concerned, especially since Batman had finally let me go on a mission. It was quiet, and finally, I gave in. I was too tired, and I knew that if there was a rift, Batman would take me off. 

"Look, I'm honestly sorry, I promise I won't kill anyone. Instead, I'll make it appear like I killed them but give them a chance for a new good life. How does that sound?" 

"What do you mean?" Robin curiously inquired. 

"I mean, erase their memories of a villain and put them in a place where they can go and live a good life, make a change a difference. You know, like a good safe home, with a steady job. A second chance at life." 

"You can do that?" Kid Flash awed. I nodded. 

"It is really easy. Not a huge deal, won't mess with the fabric of time and fate. I know who to not bug and who can be pushed around." I explained, beginning to make the pie crust from scratch. 

"Thank you." Kaldur said, and the tension seemed to die down. 

"We know it has been hard for you to kind of find your place with us since Batman has been so resistant, and we haven't made it too easy for you." Robin admitted. 

"I didn't make it easy either." I said with a small smile. "And I'm sorry." I apologized. "I promise to try harder. I haven't spent much time with people my age, they were all older than me." 

"Well, we are glad to have you here." Miss Martian gave me a sweet smile. I returned it. "Can I help?" She chirped jumping up. I nodded. I knew they wouldn't trust me for a little while, and that it would be awkward for a little while but for some reason I felt refreshed, and like I could conquer anything including my dismal future. 

As summer came to an end, I only got closer to the team, and they helped me fit in. They gave me information on the Light, which was something I would need, and were happy to show me around, they taught me how to run some of the things. Even after two years, I had a difficult time running some of the technology. Robin mostly did that. My team training improved and the telepathic talking thing that the team did, I got comfortable with. The mission was running smoothly, I had been making great process, squeezing my way in. I had been trusted with a few missions, small ones mostly making sure things got where they needed to go, but I would catch bits of information, and I was rising in power and title. It was just like court. Anthony and I were just getting closer and closer. Father still didn't know, and I planned on keeping it that way. I could just stop it when the time came, I would probably get bored, but right now, I wasn't bored. Anthony constantly had something planned, and it was usually exciting and fun. I had met his family, and they really liked me. Soon, it would be time for him to go to school and that made me sad, it would limit the time we saw each other, but then it would be easier for me to focus on the mission. Batman was beginning to get suspicious but he didn't pester me about it. That was what was nice about him, he didn't get too concerned if he didn't think it was anything big unless it was my health. Life was fairly normal and I had to admit, I really liked it. 

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