Chapter 30

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Nazera's POV

"Where is it?" I screamed, throwing my books across the room. "Useless, useless, useless!" I kept yelling. I clutched at my hair. Where was it? I knew I had it, I knew I had put it in here. Fear gripped my already breaking heart. I fell to my knees, for the first time in my life I honestly had no idea what to do. I had no idea how to go about what had happened. I knew plenty, but I had no solutions and it was killing me. I took a shuddering breath, waving my hand again. Books started flying around, as my magic sorted through all the books trying to find the one that I was looking for. The search was useless again. I growled in pure frustration. It wasn't here, but how in the world could have anyone taken it. I figured who was behind the disappearance, but how in the world had he found a way to take it, I had so many spells over it that there were times I couldn't touch it. There was a soft knock at my door, I knew it was the team. I went over and threw the door open. 

"What?" I snarled. They all backed up a little bit. 

"Is there anything we can do?" Miss Martian meekly asked. I sighed, I knew they wanted to help but there wasn't anything they could do, there was little I could do. 

"No, there's nothing." My head falling, I leaned against the door feeling worn. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was beginning to get a headache. I groaned, going back in my room. They were following me in. Now, why were they doing that? 

"If you need anything just let us know." Aqua Lad informed me. I nodded waving them away, then they left, and I kept looking. 

I walked out to the kitchen. I had torn my room apart and everywhere else that I have ever been in this place. Nothing, no sign of anything. No sign of a break in or anything along those lines. I wanted to give up. I opened the cupboard finding the pop tarts I had hid. My phone rang. It was Anthony's mother. 

"Hello?" I earnestly answered. I heard her sniffle. 

"Hey Nazera, so Tony, got in an accident. I'm sure you know the officers were telling us that you tried to run to him. Um, he wants to talk to you." She let out a sob, it was quickly muffled. 

"Thank you, I'll be there in a minute." I told her softly. I went back to my room grabbing my keys and began walking out. 

"Where are you going?" Batman asked as I passed him. "Are you feeling all right?" 

"I feel horrible, I'm going to see Anthony, he got in an accident." I answered still walking. Batman didn't say anything after that and I was grateful I just wanted to go. I got in my car and drove, I was somewhat on autopilot and I was suddenly in the parking lot not sure how I got there. I hope I didn't just transport myself, but then again I didn't really care. I went in and saw Anthony's dad he gave me a sad grin and then lead me to Anthony's room. 

"He's in critical condition, the doctors aren't sure if he'll make it, if he does he'll have problems his whole life." He quietly explained to her. I nodded grimly. I opened the door, and there lay Anthony. I was a little surprised he was awake, some would think it would be nice to get one last good bye, but I had a feeling someone was behind this, besides this was my fault. I knew the consequences and ignored them because I was too sure of myself, and now everything was falling apart. My whole facade. I walked over to him quickly. He gave me a weak smile. 

"Nazera." He said in the most tender voice ever. 

"We'll give you a minute." His mom sniffed before they all left. It was quiet besides the incessant beeping and it was driving me to my insanity faster. I reached for his hand, taking a deep breath. If I could heal him that would solve everything. That was my one hope, he was alive so hopefully, this wasn't some cruel punishment. I closed my eyes, bringing his hand to my lips, giving him a gentle kiss. He looked at me with some confusion, it was hard to tell since his face was mostly all covered up but I could see it in his eyes. I swallowed if this didn't work then those eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life. Those eyes will be my undoing. 

"You might feel a little funny for a moment." I whispered his hand still at my lips. He chuckled but it turned into a little cough. 

"I feel funny all over." He croaked. I smiled at him, closing my eyes and then pushing my energy into him, the purest kind. I used my own emotions for him all our good memories trying to reverse and heal. "Nazera?" He asked, and I could feel the tears streaming down my face. It wasn't working. It wasn't working. It wasn't working. Why? Pain and fear gripped me and I opened my eyes. 

"Anthony you have to stay with me." I stammered. 

"Hush." He cooed. I shook my head. 

"No, you have to stay with me. You can't leave me." I told him with the same earnest I told my mother. "I have so much to tell you, so much to share." 

"What did you try to do?" He asked. I looked at him, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"This isn't fair." I yelled. I looked around, even though there was no one there I felt like someone was watching. 

"Nazera, please answer me." Anthony softly said. I looked at him more tears coming out. 

"I tried to heal you." I sputtered holding his hand with both of mine. "I don't understand. It should have worked." 

"Where are you from?" He asked. I sniffed. 

"I'm from a different world, and I have magic." 

"That makes sense. I knew you were beyond this world." 

"That's so cheesy." I let out a noise that was a half sob half laugh. I was finally losing it, took long enough. 

"Yeah, but I'm your kind of cheesy." He smiled, and it was still lopsided. It was quiet. "You know when we first met?" I nodded. "That wasn't the first time I had seen you. I saw you get out of your car, and I followed you around all day. I about lost my mind with how much I wanted to talk to you. And in that moment, I knew that even if we never became anything, I had to get to know you. You are perfect." He whispered. 

"I'm not perfect. My life is messed up." I confessed. He pulled his hand out of mine and touched my cheek. 

"Everyone has a messed up life, it's how you face it that counts." He whispered. "I'm not going to make it." 

"Anthony, don't say that." I sobbed. He rubbed away a tear but it was quickly replaced. 

"You are so beautiful, there truly is magic if I was able to meet you. I wouldn't have traded a single thing." 

"Nor would have I." I told him. He swallowed, tears coming in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry Nazera. I wanted to spend my every breathing moment with you." 

"As did I." I choked. 

"Just stay with me for a while, please. Don't leave me." He said. I waved my hand the chair by the wall coming by me. He raised his eyebrows, looking at the chair as I sat. He then looked at me. "That's sweet." I rolled my eyes at him. He closed his eyes for a moment. There was a light knock and his mom poked her head in. Anthony looked at her the best he could. "Come on in." He said. Then his family came in gathering around him. A light conversation was made mostly because of Anthony. Of course, even as he was dying it made me feel better and worse. He was full of life, his life was being taken from him, literally, it was too soon. He shouldn't be dying this way. He had years left. 

The machines started beeping rapidly, and Anthony's face showed pure agony. 

"Anthony!" His mother screamed. Nurses and doctors came rushing in, pushing us out. We sat waiting, his mother and sister crying. Mr. Grey had gone to the bathroom, and every now and then you could hear pounding. I was numb, I wasn't sure what to do or say. I was still trying to understand how this was happening. The balance was off, but it couldn't be that off, right? I ran my hands through my hair. I noticed a doctor walked in with a grim look and my heart dropped even further which I didn't think was possible. 

"I'm sorry." He simply said. "Your son is dead." 

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