Chapter 1

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A/N So after letting this story sit and stew for a while, couple of months, I have received over 100,000 reads! Thank you so much for all your reads, I really appreciate it, I never thought I would have a story this popular. Not that it is insanely popular or anything, but I have to admit I was quite shocked. So once again thank you, I'm very grateful for every read, vote, comment, it's so exciting. On a more business-related note, if any of you are willing/want to make a book cover for this book and the second book to this one, I would greatly appreciate, I have no idea how to make one and the covers on both of those books are a quite sad. If you are interested in that just personally message me, please and thank you. One more thing, be sure to check out my other books, please, I'd greatly appreciate it. K, I promise I'm done, thanks again, and enjoy! :D

I ducked, throwing some fantastic punches to the Joker's minions or whatever, they had guns that shot some weird goo but once it came contact with something it became hard and impossible to get out, or nearly. That's when I noticed a girl. She just stood there, watching with a thoughtful expression. I didn't have much time to think about it since I had bullets flying past my head and goo to dodge at the same time. I couldn't keep my eyes off her though, she was stunning, and because I wasn't focused I found myself stepping on the still wet goo causing me stick. Batman was too busy fighting and hadn't noticed me he tripped over me falling down. We were both shot with the goo. I glanced at the girl. The Joker just laughed like the maniac he was. 

"Well, you're caught in quite a sticky situation." He laughed at his bad pun. I wanted to say something but this was not the time for witty heroic banter. I could see Batman fiddling trying to get out but I didn't know if we had enough time. 

"Hey!" Someone yelled, and we all stopped, turning to the girl. The Joker was first surprised and then amused. 

"A new toy!" He squealed with delight. He walked closer towards her, and instead of cowering or even flinching she stood her ground. Then she did one of the stupidest things I have ever seen in my life. We were on a bridge, she ran to the edge and jumped. Jumped right off the bridge! I tried to run to get her but I was still stuck and only succeeded in nearly tearing my leg off. The Joker and his henchmen were stunned, but suddenly someone gracefully was sitting on the railing on the other side of the bridge. She got down, and I realized it was still the same girl. She came to the light, and she had wings, like an angel. 

"Hey!" She called again with a smirk. They turned to her shocked. "Surprise." She smiled extending her palm as one of the men raised their gun to shoot her. The gun started smoking and the man dropped it exclaiming in pain. The others held their guns out but she did the same thing. After they gathered their wits, they rushed toward her. She shuddered and her wings were gone. They all lunged at her, but she turned to dust causing them to smack into each other, she reformed just behind them. One threw a punch at her, but she caught his fist, twisting and a sickening crack echoed through the air, followed by the man's screams. While he held his wrist in pain, she flicked her wrist sending him flying out of the way. The others were terrified, but despite their terror, she didn't back down. She held her hands up like she had strings on them. 

"Dance for me." She ordered moving her fingers, and they started to dance like her puppets. She just laughed at them in enjoyment. She then threw them away by the other man. 

"Well, I'd love to stay and continue this ball," The Joker started, as a helicopter landed, Harley Quinn throwing the door open. "But gotta go!" He climbed in and was gone. It was quiet besides the man with the broken wrist whimpering. I sat there waiting for her to stop Joker but instead she went over to the men, snapping her fingers handcuffs immediately appearing on their wrists. She then strode over to us, a light breeze causing her platinum hair to move, and her dress slightly pulled at her legs. As she came closer, I noticed beautiful tattoos decorated her upper arms, the top of her hands, wrists, and little of her forearms. She had icy blue eyes, that seemed to calm down a little turning more to a lagoon blue. Her skin was perfectly clear, and her other features were delicate and angelic. She looked familiar like she shared features with someone but I couldn't pin who. Her dress was modest going all the way up to her neck but leaving her arms exposed, but the massive slits in her dress that went all the way up to the middle of her thighs showed off long smooth legs, both decorated with elaborate tattoos. She stared down at me and Batman, smirking at Batman. She held out her arm opening her palm, the energy shifted a little turning intense, until the goo surrounding me, turned to liquid releasing me. She turned to Batman showing me the backside of her dress. The dress was almost backless, revealing more tattoos just as beautiful as the ones on her arm. She did the same thing to Batman. We both stood, I could hardly withhold my shock, Batman wore his usual stony expression. She just gave him a radiant, yet cocky, smile. 

"No, thank you? My, and I thought you were a gentleman." She told Batman. 

"What do you think you are doing?" He growled, but I was still stunned that she didn't go after the Joker.

"Why didn't you go after him?" I exclaimed a little annoyed. "You obviously can fly!" I blurted. They both turned to me, Batman didn't look impressed. She cocked her head at me looking at me, squinting slightly. 

"Hm." She said. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, I didn't like being the one caught in her gaze. "That man, you call the Joker, is his kill." She pointed at Batman. 

"He is not my kill." Batman flatly said. She looked at him with a smirk, she put her hand on her hips. 

"No matter what you say, he is your kill, it would be a dishonor to you if I went after him. You may not be capable, but he is your opponent, making him your kill." She explained. I blinked, was she from this world? How she talked was a little... different. I had no problem coping with the idea, after all between Superman, Manhunter, Miss Martian and several others, had taken the surprise away, the idea of someone coming from another world was nothing. Batman just looked at her, but he slightly nodded his head almost as if urging her. Probably to just state her business. She sighed. "If you ever need my help," She flicked her fingers out a business card appearing. "Let me know. Just call the number and I'll be there." She said and with that, she ran across the bridge, her wings sprouting and she was gone into the night. 

"Um, what just happened?" I asked. Batman didn't say anything just walked away. I didn't expect him to answer me, so I followed him. 

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