Chapter 8

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I left the house at five in the morning, I still had to make breakfast, I was feeling much better but I was still annoyed. Why didn't Father just let me go? I understood his points but at the same time, why not throw me in I'm good at fighting, between the training I got from the palace and from him I was prepared for anything. However, I had never worked with someone. In my world, it was never necessary we were living in an era of peace, the one time there was an issue it wasn't a huge deal we just had to leave for a year. I wasn't sure why we left, Mother never explained to me, and now with her dead, I don't think anyone would tell me not even Grandfather. I showered and got dressed walking out to the kitchen. 

Miss Martian came to the kitchen ready to go at 6:30 sharp, just as she did. I was impressed with her persistence. 

"Start cracking the eggs." I ordered and with a cheerful nod she did as I said, but today she was quiet. "How did the mission go last night?" I didn't like that she was so quiet. 

"It went well, we were successful. It wasn't too difficult, but they had everything loaded and were taking off and that made it a little more difficult, eventually, we took over the plane and drove it here. Batman and some of the other League members are going to look over it." She cheerfully informed me. I nodded. 

"Good good." I said a little distantly. "Explain not difficult." 

"Well, the whole area was poorly guarded, they were obviously in a rush, and they were using everyone that they could." 

"Who were they working for?" 

"The Light most likely. You were there for what Batman said." She answered. I kept cooking thinking. I stopped doing what I was doing when I could feel Batman had come. 

"Miss Martian I'll be right back." I said running out. I ran to the garage I didn't understand why I was running, so I just transported, appearing just in time. Flash had a crowbar and was going to open the first barrel. I turned it into a flower. 

"Hey!" He yelled in alarm. I ran over to Batman. 

"Don't open them." 

"Why?" Flash asked. I tapped the sides of them, looking at them carefully. I made the barrel invisible and you could see right through it, it was full of some liquid. I noticed something, that I recognized as a bug. I sent an electric current through it causing it to not work anymore. I waved my hand over the top and it popped off. I tossed it aside. I rolled my sleeve up, plunging my hand in. 

"Nazera!" Batman exclaimed. 

"Don't worry, it won't hurt me. It's just acid." 

"Just acid." The Flash muttered. I found the bug pulling it out, and handing it to Batman. He looked at it impressed. 

"Miss Martian was telling me how simple the mission was, poorly guarded, everyone in a rush. In my world, there was a time they did something like that. Our spies saw them loading wooden barrels full of something. The group was attacked and the barrels brought back home. Turns out there were soldiers in them. About killed the royal family, and about brought the city down." I exclaimed. I looked down at my arm, flicking it off. But it just burned through where it landed. 

"Oh, I didn't expect that." I looked around. "I'm going to wash this off." I made a bucket appear dipping my arm in it and washing it off. I squished my nose in disgust. "It smells really bad." I muttered, then I returned back to the kitchen.

Robin's POV 

"Wow, so it was all a big ruse." Wally asked. Batman nodded. 


"So, we don't have any idea what they could be up to now?" I asked disappointedly. Batman nodded. I groaned. "We were making good progress." 

"Well, they obviously feel threatened." Nazera said. "That's good." 

"How is that good?" Connor questioned. 

"If they weren't concerned they wouldn't bother you. They are taking precautions which means what we do affects them. You could play mind games with them, get to them mentally." 

"Most of them are already mental." Artemis pointed out, and I nodded in agreement. That was true. Nazera smirked. 

"Trust me, none of them are crazy. Have you ever seen an insane oracle?" She stopped for a moment. "Well, actually they are all crazy," she muttered to herself. "have you ever seen an oracle that has finally lost it. Not pretty. Then there are the seers, they are always talking nonsense, but they are fun." She giggled. "One time they-" 

"Enough story telling." Batman stated. Nazera sighed but didn't say anything. 

"You could always send a spy?" Nazera suggested. 

"How? It's harder than you think." I told her. 

"They did it once to you guys, with was his name. The other arrow guy, Red Arrow I believe, or Speedy. Speedy is a dumb name by the way. You guys are not good at original names." She stated. We all became quiet at remembering, we were all past it but it still brought some difficult memories. "If they can do it we can." 

"Who would we send? You?" Connor laughed at the thought. Nazera's eyes lit up. 

"That's not a bad idea. They don't know me, I'm a master of disguise, I can look like anyone or anything. Shapeshifting is a breeze, and it's fool proof. I can withhold the disguise for years. Also, I can create a whole identity that is unquestionable-" Nazera rambled. 

"No, you need to stay." Batman shot down the idea. 

"Why not? It's brilliant, I could get information and send by magic, that will make it untraceable, if needs be I can alter the course of time, or stop time-" Batman stood, knocking his chair over. 

"No, we will not do that. You will not do that. You are not ready for that." 

"I've always been ready." Nazera said. "Just let me do this, prove myself to the team, to you." She begged. 

"You don't need to do that." He responded. It was quiet, the conversation had gotten a little more personal then it should have been but why? Batman was being overprotective that was clear. It was obvious Nazera could take care of herself. 

"Batman, it is not a bad idea." I piped up. "She brings up some good points and-" Batman shot me glare, and I practically withered underneath his glare. He did not want me interfering with this.

"No. The results are too unpredictable. It could go well or it could go horrifically wrong." Batman said and the conversation was over.

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