Chapter 27

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I was pretty sure that Nazera didn't sleep she spent a lot of time in the town with Tony. We were called for some more shipments and a kidnapping. The team tried to stop us, but Nazera's tiredness was taking serious effect, and she would do things as fast as she could so that she could return home. If she started drifting off, electricity would spark off her keeping her awake. We were all concerned. The night before the Light's plans were going to happen, Batman ordered her to go to sleep. Nazera tried to refuse but she was in no condition to, Batman picked her up like a baby carrying to her room. Then to my great surprise, he came and got me. 

"I want you to just sit in there with her. If something happens you know how to get ahold of me." 

"Why can't you?" I was nervous, I didn't know what Nazera could and would do to me. If she did the glowing eye thing again I wasn't sure I could handle it, she nearly broke my wrist. 

"She is asleep right now, hopefully, what has been plaguing her will leave her be for now. I gave her some medication that should be of great use." Batman explained opening her bedroom door. Nazera was laying in her bed, the moon gave her a halo of sorts. I sighed at her peaceful beauty. "I'll be back in a few hours. I have some things to check first, then I'll take her." He then walked out. 

"So, I get to babysit a seventeen-year-old girl." I sighed. "Great." I sat down, pulling out some things and fiddling with them. 

After about an hour I was beginning to lose my mind. I looked at her bookshelves deciding might as well read one of them. Some of them I knew were from this world but others I didn't recognize. Some were in languages I had never seen in my life. I finally settled on one, sitting on one of her couches. Her room was nice. Extremely lavish, but it suited her. I assumed her room back at her world was similar to this one. I opened the book and started reading. 

Nazera's tastes in books were impressive. I was on the edge of my city, metaphorically. I heard Nazera's door opened, and I looked up to see Batman. 

"Thank you, Robin." I nodded. 

"No problem. Are you really going to let her go tomorrow?" 

"I have to." He admitted. "I don't want to, but she'll be all right. She's made it through a lot, I trust her." He looked over at Nazera. "Good night, Robin." He said and I walked out of her room. 

Nazera's POV

I woke up. To my great alarm and slight horror I didn't wake up screaming, did that mean I was dead? 

"Good morning, Nazera." A dreary voice said I turned to see Father standing there. I smiled at him. 

"I'm alive right?" He gave me a funny look but then nodded. I stretched getting up. "Don't worry, I'm fine now." I told him and then got started with my day. 

I had to leave early with Robin, to get everything ready. The portal was to be opened around three, it was noon. We were greeted by Lex, who took us to a room where a few other people were and the members of the Light. They were going over what was going to happen. 

"How many can you transport Violet?" Queen Bee asked. 

"500." I answered with a nod. The Brain started doing some calculations. "Where will I be shipping them?" 

"There is a warehouse nearby where we plan to send the army. They will be gathered from there and moved to a different location." Vandal answered. I nodded. They talked a little while longer with me about it making sure there was no confusion and then one of the others lead me to the warehouse. I looked around making sure I saw everything. Then we made our way to where the portal was located. It was nearly set up a few more pieces were put in place, and already there were some villains, I took notice of who was there. The Joker was there, Robin noticed too and narrowed his eyes at the psychotic man. 

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