✎ Chapter 15: Pernicious ✎

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You groaned as you trie snatching back your blanket from the culprit but to no avail, he threw it away from your reach. You sat up begrudgingly with a frown as you looked up at him.

"Chanyeol, what—"

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Chanyeol exclaimed as he pinched both of your cheeks, jumping like a kid. Your eyes widened as you remembered. It's just been a day after you got home. You totally forgot it's Christmas. "And it's snowing!"


With the loud cry from the window, the both of you turned to the source of the noise. Sehun got inside your room with snow on top of his raven hair, ruffling them off as he got in. Chanyeol just watched in surprise while you face-palmed yourself.

"What the fuck—"

"What's up, Yeol." Sehun cooly greeted his best friend as if he wasn't caught getting in your room. When he glanced at you and saw how you were glaring at him, he stood up straight and gulped. "Oh shit."

"Yes, Sehun. Oh shit! What the heck are you doing here?!" Chanyeol started freaking out as he walked towards Sehun with heavy steps. "Why are you creeping up into her room like that?! Are you a thief?! Yah! Look at me!"

You almost laughed out loud as you saw Sehun looking around your room as if it was his first time coming in here. Chanyeol kept on shouting at his best friend like he's a panicked mother hen even though he can see that his words are just gonna come out of Sehun's ears once it came in.

"Noona, why are you letting him?!" Chanyeol turned to you with wide eyes.

"Yah, yah. Noona doesn't have anything to do with this. I just like using her window. I forced her, okay?" Sehun said as he tapped Chanyeol's chest, shaking his head.

"Who forced who?" You questioned as you stood up and slightly stretched your arms. "I let him use my window when you two had projects before. Sehun's your best friend if you forgot." You chuckled as you walked towards your desk, making them move away as you opened your laptop.

"Okay then. I'll let you off the hook for now." Chanyeol squinted his eyes at Sehun but the other just shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. "Noona, he's smirking!"

"Let him be, Yeol. What the hell are you freaking out for?" You mumbled as you wore your glasses and looked at the calendar.

December 25

"3 months left." You whispered as you glanced at your laptop which just opened, revealing—


"Yah, back off, man." Chanyeol pushed Sehun away as he got too close to you. Sehun frowned as he continued staring at the man on your laptop.

"A girl can dream, Sehun." You said as you laughed.

"You're working so early in the morning?! And it's Christmas, noona! Can you just have a day off?" Chanyeol said as he quickly sat on your swivel chair as if it can stop you from working.

"I'm just gonna brush my teeth and I'll start working." You turned your back on the two boys and opened your door. "I'll be done with that story anyway. I can rest as long as I want after."

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