#1. Sherrinford: Two Weeks Later

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Sherlock entered Eurus's containment room with his violin for a visit. It was the first time he had visited by himself since the events of two weeks earlier. The rest of the Holmes family were preoccupied on this date and Sherlock had a scheduled weekly visit to attend regardless. Eurus was sitting in the middle of her room, facing away, when Sherlock entered. It was silent for a few moments before Eurus spoke: "Has Mycroft told you yet?". Sherlock looked to Eurus with confusion. "What do you mean?", he replied, "Told me what?" "Oh, he hasn't?.... Interesting.", Eurus responded wistfully. "Oh Sherlock, you still can't see what's right in front of you,... or is it that you refuse to?" "Maybe you should ask yourself what other secrets Mycroft has been hiding from you, and why you aren't willing to find out what they are? Why you are so afraid of the truth?". "And what truth is that sister?", replies Sherlock with an obvious frown. "The one you're afraid of the most, of course", Eurus retorts. "Haven't you wondered what Mycroft and I discussed while I had him locked in this cell and you were being moved? There was all that time for us to talk, and I wonder what we talked about?".

Eurus stood up and walked to the glass. She violently slammed her fists against it and yelled, "Go away! I don't need saving Sherlock, you do!" "I'm not trying to Eurus", Sherlock said in response, but it was too late. Eurus was angrily slamming the glass and shouting, "Get out!", over and over again. Sherlock was escorted out by the guards, and was told to come back at another time when she had calmed down. Sherlock left thoroughly confused, with a seed of anger rooted deep in his chest threatening to burst forth at any moment. What was Mycroft hiding from him? What did Eurus mean? What had they discussed at Sherrinford two weeks prior? Whatever it was, he was going to find out!...And there was only one person who could answer those questions. The same person who had hidden them...Mycroft!

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