#17. The Game That Gods Play

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They arrived at the given location where they entered a large room to find Eurus at the end of a long metal table with Janine by her side. Eurus looked up at them as they entered. "Oh, how wonderful! You're finally here. Now before we continue we'll have your guns. Sherlock. John." They pulled out their guns and Janine collected them and brought them to Eurus. Eurus got up, glanced at her brothers, and then turned to Janine. They passionately kissed and after they finished Janine walked back toward Sherlock. "I'm sorry. I truly am, but it was always for her. Everything was for her, Sherlock. I really do love you though, just not like I love her." Sherlock angrily yelled, "And what about the trail of bodies your so called "love" has left behind you both? What about Charlotte? Does she deserve to die for your love too?". "I didn't want anyone to die, but it was necessary", Janine tried to explain. "I won't let anyone come between us...not even you Sherlock!...Noth...". A loud *bang* echoed off the walls and through the room.

Everyone's faces twisted into expressions of complete and utter shock. Janine looked down at her stomach and touched the spot where blood was pouring out and staining her shirt. Janine turned slightly to look over at Eurus. "I loved you", she said. "I know", Eurus replied still pointing the gun at Janine, "and that's why you've lost. Love is merely a chemical defect found in the losing side. Wouldn't you agree brother?", Eurus asked Sherlock as she grinned. Janine fell to the floor and Sherlock and John rushed over. "Forgive me, Sherlock...please", Janine sputtered...blood dripping from her mouth. Sherlock took a deep breath, "Yes, yes of course I forgive you". Janine smiled slightly and took one last deep breath before her body went completely limp. John checked her pulse. "She's gone", he said.

"Stop this Eurus! Hasn't there been enough death for one day", Mycroft yelled. Eurus ignored him and continued. "Oh, too bad", she said sarcastically, "She just kept talking, on and on, and this isn't about her. This is about us! This is about family". "What family Eurus?", Sherlock screamed out, "You already killed mother and father. What? Are you going to kill us too? Go ahead! What's stopping you?". "No, No, No!!", Eurus shouted slamming her hands down on the table in front of her. "Don't you get it? This is about us, Sherlock! No one else matters! Don't you see? The rest of them are just pawns in a bigger game only we can see! They don't matter. All that matters is winning the game! We are gods to them! Their only use is in appeasing our boredom". "No Eurus. You're wrong. You're not a god...you're a monster", Sherlock responded without emotion. "A broken and lost creature who preys on the innocent from the shadows!".

Eurus's face cringed, "I'm only playing the game that's been set out before me, Sherlock. Sentiment is always getting the better of you brother. I fortunately don't have that problem". Eurus slid a tablet across the table to her brothers and Mycroft picked it up. On the screen they could see Charlotte tied up under a metal grate beneath the floor of some part of the facility. "The water's starting to rise. Tick-tock, brothers", Eurus laughed. "Enough Eurus! What do you want?", Mycroft yelled. "It's not about what I want, it's about what you need brothers", Eurus explained. "You both lack perspective! Answer my questions honestly and maybe you can still save your precious little sister Charlotte. First Question is for you....".

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