#18. The Game That Gods Play (Continued)

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"...Mycroft...remember you must be honest", said Eurus. "Were you lonely all those years playing the protective big brother? Making all those hard decisions that mother and father couldn't, behind their backs,...all alone? I already know about Sherlock's loneliness, but now he has his pet John to entertain him. But what about you brother?". Mycroft glared at Eurus, "I'm not lonely!". "Oh, but I think you were brother, until you found a pet to keep you company too...your little pitiful sister Charlotte". "Enough!", Mycroft yelled. "Tell me, how does that even work, brother?", Eurus laughed. "She's even more pathetic than John here!". Eurus pointed to John and he was not amused. "Is it her sentimentality that you adore so much brother? Answer the question! You feel sentiment for her...you love her, don't you? She filled that human need you have for love, didn't she? She helped fill that loneliness inside that you were too afraid to admit you had, even to yourself!". "Fine, You win Eurus! Yes, I care about her...she's my sister, of course I care." "And?", said Eurus. "And yes...I was lonely and I...I never realized how much...until she came along". "I wonder", Eurus said, "if only one can win the game, which should it be, the head or the heart? Only one can rule brothers! The other is the loser,...the pawn,...the victim...the tragedy!!" Eurus grinned, "Good, now we're getting somewhere. Ok, now on to question two...this one is for you Sherlock, and it's a good one!"

"Do you love, John?", Eurus asked. Sherlock stood expressionless staring at Eurus. "Oh, come now, you can be honest with your sister. You love him, don't you?". Sherlock glanced over at John, and then back to Eurus, before starting to laugh hysterically. "Seriously, that's your question? Of course, I love him! He's my best friend, no...he's my brother...he's family! But that confuses you, doesn't it? How I could love him that much? Oh, Eurus you're not a God! You don't even understand simple concepts like that of family or friend! You don't understand what it means to love or feel, which is why you have no way to fill that loneliness that you have inside. No way to fill that aching need to be understood and appreciated for who you are! "Shut up!", Eurus screamed out. "So how do you fill that need?", Sherlock continued, "You push everyone around you on your chessboard of boredom and demand of them an audience to laud your intelligence!". "Enough!", Eurus interrupted as she picked up one of the guns in front of her and started shooting at the wall close to John. Sherlock immediately stopped talking.

"Good. Now on to the third and final question brothers. This one is for Charlotte's life! Choose! Me or Charlotte! Only one of us can live, brothers. Only one of us can win! So, whom should it be? Which should rule, the head or the heart? When my heart stops beating the location in this facility where Charlotte is will be sent to that tablet and you will be able to rescue her. She slid a gun across the table to Sherlock. He picked it up and pointed it toward Eurus. His hands were shaking so fiercely he could barely keep his hand from dropping the gun. "Come on, Sherlock", Eurus expounded, "Charlotte's time is running out. Only a few minutes left. Make your choice! Choose the mind...the intellect? Be a God with me? Or fall down to earth and live with the broken-winged angels whose hearts bleed?"

Sherlock gripped the gun with both hands to try and steady it. "Sherlock! Time is running out!", Eurus told him, "Tick-Tock...Tick-Tock...Tick-Tock...Tick-Tock"...*BANG!*. Sherlock watched his sister grip her stomach, eyes wide with shock, as she looked at Mycroft. Sherlock and John turned in surprise as well. Mycroft slowly lowered the gun in his hands and then let it drop to the ground. "Forgive me Eurus, but you can't be allowed to go on killing anymore. I'm sorry sister", Mycroft told her. Eurus fell to the ground behind the table and Sherlock, John, and Mycroft walked over to her. Sherlock knelt down beside her. "You were right Sherlock", Eurus whispered. "Nothing ever filled the loneliness inside. I thought you were the one person who could understand me...", Eurus coughed, "...but you're just like them, and I've always been alone." Eurus's breathing quickened. "You won't be alone anymore, Eurus...go to them", Sherlock told her as he began to cry. "Mother and father are waiting." Eurus smiled and touched his face, then her arm dropped as she breathed her last, and died. A sound alert reverberated out from the tablet on the table and woke them all back up to reality..."Charlotte! We need to go now", John said, quickly grabbing the tablet on the table and helping Sherlock to his feet. They all looked at the map. "Let's go!", Sherlock said in a panic, and they took off toward her location.

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