#7. Resurrection

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They arrived at Mycroft's manor where a room had already been made up for Charlotte. "I had them try and decorate it for a girl", explained Mycroft. Charlotte's eyes lit up and she hopped onto her new bed and smiled. Janine touched Mycroft's arm. "I think she likes it", she told him. Mycroft gave a slight grin of satisfaction. "I need to take care of a few things, but should be back in just a few hours", Mycroft told Charlotte. She shook her head in acknowledgement and smiled. Mycroft left only after giving Sherlock a harsh glare meant to express to him that he stay in line and behave, but which Sherlock outright ignored. "Well I'll be downstairs in the kitchen if you need me sweetie, alright?", Janine told Charlotte, and she also excused herself from the room.

Sherlock and Charlotte stared at each other, and there was a long awkward pause as they studied the other silently. Then John started laughing loudly. "Oh dear god, it's so obvious you two are brother and sister", he chuckled. Sherlock looked to John and then finally spoke to ask the question which had been on his mind since the events of the other day. "Charlotte, who took you from the asylum?". Charlotte's face lowered and eyes shifted nervously. "Was it someone you know?", Sherlock continued, moving in closer to his sister. He crouched down to look at her at eye level on the bed. Tears formed in her eyes and she tried to avoid eye contact, but it was no use. "It's okay. You can tell me", he assured her. "How about you just nod yes or no for me?". She nodded her head in uneasy agreement. "Do you know who took you?", Sherlock asked. Charlotte shook her head yes. "Ok, good then, just one last question". He continued, "Was it Jim Moriarty?".

Charlotte's head lifted in shock as she looked directly into Sherlock's eyes, tears now flowing down her cheeks. Sherlock didn't need to wait for her nod as he already had his answer. "Moriarty is alive", he firmly stated. "But it can't be?", exclaimed John. "He died! You saw him shoot himself! There was a body for god's sake!". Sherlock was still looking at his sister lost in thought as he drifted back to that day on the rooftop with Moriarty analyzing every detail for a logical explanation. He returned to the present and gently held Charlotte's face. "It's okay. He's never going to hurt you or anyone else ever again. I promise!", Sherlock told her.

He stood and touched Charlotte's hands and let her know he would be back to visit her soon, but needed to go. He turned to leave when a hand grabbed his arm, holding him back. Sherlock looked at his sister's face and understood without a word needing to be spoken between them. "I promise I'll be careful", he told her, and she gently released his arm. Then Sherlock and John left and headed back toward Baker St. It was time to get back to work!

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