#11. Interrogation

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A line of suspects stood along the cold steel wall of the room waiting to be exonerated of any connection to the serial murders of hundreds of known victims, while in the next room Mycroft, Sherlock, John, and Lestrade waited impatiently. "Let's get this over with", Mycroft plainly stated, and Lestrade left the room, returning a moment later with Charlotte by his side. "Ok", Lestrade told Charlotte, "now remember what we said. All you have to do is take a look at the men in the next room and see if any of them seem familiar, alright?". Charlotte nodded her head in willing agreement. She climbed onto a chair on her knees and looked closely through the glass. She looked back and forth a few times. "Anyone look familiar?", Sherlock asked her as he moved to her side to study her face. She shook her head "no" looking back and forth once more. "Satisfied?", snorted Mycroft, and Sherlock quickly glared back at him. Mycroft was about to take Charlotte and leave the room when John whispered, "Wait!". Charlotte had stopped to stare at one of the suspects intently. She studied him for a moment, then raised her hands to reach toward his face touching the glass. Her eyes suddenly widened, and complexion grew cold and pale as she stared off. "Charlotte?", Mycroft leaned down and gently touched her shoulders. Charlotte's body cringed away from him in fear as tears fell down her cheeks. She looked down at her hands and stared at them before then reaching up to touch her face. "Charlotte, what is it?", Sherlock asked his terrified sister. Then a silent scream etched itself onto her face and she started clawing at her face with her fingers hysterically. "Charlotte stop!", Mycroft yelled, trying to grab ahold of her hands to stop her. Sherlock immediately grabbed and carried her into another room. He held her tightly until she was calm, and then left her with Mycroft, so he could return to the other room. John and Lestrade were waiting tensely when Sherlock re-entered the room. Sherlock walked up to the glass and stared, deep in thought, at the source of his sister's fear. "Just as I suspected", he said out loud to himself, "Emmanuel Telford!".

"We know you killed this man!", Lestrade yelled as he pushed photos of the recent crime scene toward Mr. Telford. "Why don't you just give it up"! "I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about Inspector", Emmanuel said calmly. "I know my rights, so unless you have some evidence of my involvement in such a crime, you can't hold me here. My lawyer should be here soon to explain that in a way you may better understand Inspector." Lestrade hit the table, "You'll leave once you've answered all of my questions". Just then another officer entered the room and whispered something to Lestrade, and then they both exited the room. Lestrade opened the next door over where John, Mycroft, and Sherlock were watching. "Let me talk to him!", said Sherlock. Lestrade nodded in unsure agreement. "No hitting him!", he quickly reminded Sherlock before he left the room, "I don't need another lawsuit". "Mycroft glared at Lestrade, "You should have let me take him in. We could get his confession much easier then this". "Sorry", said Lestrade, "but this is my jurisdiction, and you know as well as I do that any confession gained through force would be thrown out at trial, and he'd walk. We need to be patient. He'll eventually make a mistake, and when he does I'll be there to make sure he's put away for good." Lestrade looked Mycroft in the eyes, "You have my word I'll do everything I can within the limits of the law". "Yes", Mycroft agreed, "that is probably the best course of action...though it would have been nice to have gotten to watch them break every bone in his body, one by one." Lestrade turned away, and for the first time in his long career he kind of wished they could do just that.

"Hello, Mr. Telford", Sherlock stated as he entered the interrogation room. "Ah, Mr. Holmes. How did your meeting with Moriarty go?", Emmanuel smiled, "Was it everything you had hoped for?". "Yes, I suppose in some ways it was", Sherlock replied, "...yet in others, it was rather disappointing". "That's too bad", Emmanuel laughed. Sherlock sat down and locked eyes with Emmanuel. "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?", Sherlock stated. "The typical serial killer, but not your typical target...no...this one was personal. Moriarty killed your best friend! Ethan took him in, raised him as a son, only to be betrayed and murdered by him!", Sherlock continued. "That must have made you angry beyond words to find out that not only had you failed to protect your friend...your family, but you'd both been betrayed by one of your own!". Emmanuel leaned forward with a smirk on his face. "Oh, Mr. Holmes we both know who this is really about. Your sister's mother was murdered by this killer. I remember her case well. It must be awful to live with all that guilt! The guilt of not being there for her...of failing to protect her...to protect your family!". Sherlock grabbed Emmanuel in anger, "Stop it!" he yelled just as Emmanuel's lawyer walked in. "What's happening here?", his lawyer asked. Sherlock released his hold on Emmanuel. "Oh, it's fine", Emmanuel told his lawyer, "we were just having a final chat before I leave." Lestrade entered and released Emmanuel from his handcuffs, and sighed, "You're free to go". Emmanuel rose, brushed himself off, and walked up to Sherlock. "Mr. Holmes, we really should be friends. I'm not a bad guy once you get to know me. I'm actually extremely loyal to my friends", and as he started to leave the room a grin spread wide on his face from ear to ear. "Ah, and Mr. Holmes,...I'll make sure we get to see each other again soon. No need to worry about when or where; I'll be able to find you. After all, I never forget a face!".

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