CARLISLE ~ Wrong Person (GxB)

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You got knocked unconscious, and kidnapped, but fortunately you were saved by your mate - Carlisle.


Blurriness hazed your vision, as your eyelids flickered open, you eyes sore and your head pounding.

Still blurry, a face appeared above yours, and in your awakening state, you didn't quite realise just who it was.

A thought came to mind, and for a second you thought David Bowie had risen from the grave, and was standing in front of you.

You did a doubletake at that.

Hold on a damn minute.

David Bowie.

The David Bowie.

You raised your hand, and poked his cheek to see whether he was real.

The skin moved under your finger, proving your point.

Yup he was real.

A laugh erupted from his lips, and you swear you swooned.

Either that, or you were dead.

Were you dead?

You did not know.

It didn't take long for your vision to clear, but as it did, you blushed hard, and smiled sheepishly.

Before you stood your boyfriend, who's smile reached to his eyes at the sight of you awake.

Of course.

It wasn't David Bowie.

It was Carlisle.

Silly me.

"What day is it?" You asked, desperately hoping to redirect your thoughts to something else.

Alas it didn't work, and you couldn't help but shake my head as what you had thought you had seen and what you had actually seen crossed your mind.

Carlisle frowned, and his hand rose to stroke his chin, as he thought for a moment, before he finally decided he couldn't remember, and checked his phone.

The screen lit up in the relatively dark room, and you were thankful for the fact that you now had a distraction.

"It's the (date), (time)."

"Love," he said slowly to you, as he reached his hand out to grasp yours and hold it.

"You've been asleep for 23 hours." He said.

You felt your mind being overrun with thoughts, as you processed this new information.

23 hours!

23 hours!

You had been asleep for 23 hours?!

Seeing your inner conflict, he continued on, coming to sit by you, his thumb smoothing over the skin on your hand.

"I thought I had lost you..." He stopped, trailing off, as he smiled down at you sadly, shaking his head.

You took that as an opportunity, and sat up slowly, cringing slightly at the pain that flourished in your mind.

"Easy there, love."

You reached out for him, and he pulled you into a hug, his chin resting on top of your shoulder, as wrapped his arms tightly around you, as if you were going to disappear.

"It's okay", You whispered to him gently. "It's okay."

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