CHARLIE ~ Fishing for love (GxB)

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You are a mermaid, and he rescues you.


As far out as the sea stretched, a golden glow dusted it with light, the evening turning to dusk, and the day drawing to a close.

Charlie, who had spent the entirety of the day trying to catch even a single fish, sighed as he packed up his stuff up, and carried it all to the van that Bella let him borrow.

Today hadn't been a good day, and Charlie felt rather depressed at the lack of produce he had caught.

About to leave completely, a shiver went down his spine as he heard a shrill cry from the water's edge.

He shook his head, thinking it to be of his imagination, and continued on his way.

The exact same cry was heard again, and this time he was certain it was real.

Leant over the water, being careful not to accidentally fall in, Charlie managed to find the source of the cries - you.

Half submerged in the ocean, and tangled in a fishing net, you had become stuck.

You flipped your fins, and desperately tried to escape, but it only got you so far.

"Hey! hey!"

You looked up, and saw him, a human coming towards you, and you struggled trying to escape.

"Hey." He said, and rose his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. "Hey, you're okay."

His voice was soothing, and successfully managed to calm you. Although you still feared that he may hurt you, his soft brown eyes held no malice.

From his pocket, he brought out a sharp weapon, and you squealed, and closed your eyes tight, thinking this was to be your end.

Even as you felt the bonds loosen around you, you didn't open your eyes.

A hand touched your cheek gently, and in shock you backed away and opened your eyes.

His stared directly into yours, and then you realised subconsciously you had begin to lean in.

You blushed, your normally blue skin turning a hint of purple.

A strand of hair came lose from your forehead, which he was quick to tuck behind your ear.


"Hey." You mimicked him, this being your species way of communication.

He rose an eyebrow, but said nothing, as he sat on the edge of the wooden deck.

He told you of his life, of his daughter and her husband, and their niece and Jacob, and you just sat still and listened, head on your arms as you hovered in the water.

Soon angry cries were heard, which got closer by the second.

"Go!" He shouted as you, though hushed, as he tried to shoo you away.

"Go, quickly!"

You didn't want to leave this new friend of yours, but with a sharp look from him, you knew that you had no choice in the matter, if you wanted to survive.

With a sigh, you rose out of the water for a second and kissed him in gratitude, before you waved, and sank to the depths.

This wouldn't be the last time he saw you.

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