LEAH ~ Claimed (GxG)

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At the Pack house, Paul tries to flirt with you


An arm wrapped around your shoulder, you and Embry laughed at Jacob, as he described in full detail, how awkward it had been to meet Bella again.

"I tried to avoid her, but she's like a mushroom, she likes to just pop up whenever."

You and Embry clutched onto one another as you laughed, trying hard to breathe.

"Oh My God!"

Never in all your life, had anyone referred to another person as a 'mushroom', and it was killing you with laughter.

The front door had opened laughing, and too busy laughing, you didn't realise until somebody picked you up, only to sit down in your place.

You glared at the person, and pouted, angry they took your seat.


Of course it was. He was always the stupid airhead.

It grew silent as you managed to catch a breath, both Jacob and Embry looking between the two of you.

"Y/N, what a pleasure to meet you again. Would you like to come with me to privately discuss you?" He smirked, and winked, but you stood there, arms-crossed.

"Ah, playing hard to get, I see."

He stood, and trailed his hands down your arms, in an attempt to be seductive.

"Paul, hands off!"

Paul looked to both Embry and Jacob and smirked.

They knew something he didn't, and he wanted to find out.

All they needed was a little push.

He pulled you in, and wrapped his arms around you.


Leah, flung open the door, and seeing him making you uncomfortable, ran at him full speed, and changed mid-air.

Paul, though confused, took this as a challenge and shifted as well.

Embry dashed to you, and somehow managed to pull you out of the way, before you could get hurt.

Him and Jacob stood before you protectively as the two wolves circled one another.

Emily who had turned the corner with a plate full of chocolate chip cookies, groaned, and placed the plate on the table carefully.

She wafted her hands at the two wolves, and complained.

"God, you two have no sense do you, changing in my house like that!"

Both of the wolves just looked to her and each other, backing away slowly as she blew up, scowling.

"Out! Out both of you! Just know that any marks left behind, you're cleaning up!"

Leah was the first to leave, and after she checked you were okay, squeezed out of the doorway with some difficulty.

Behind her, Paul tried to get through, only for his furry torso to be stuck in the door.

You giggled at his misfortune, and helped the two other shapeshifters to push the wolf's butt out of the house.

Outside, the wolves scrambled to the forest, tackled one another, and nipped each other, on occasion.

A few minutes later, and Leah came to you, where you held some clothes in a pile for her.

You turned your back as she dressed, and was surprised as she kissed your neck, before she nipped, and left a mark.

She had claimed her stake, and it was on you.

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