JACOB ~ Love at First Sight (GxB) (1)

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During Eclipse. She's been bitten by Victoria, after being kidnapped by Riley, and been forced to fight with the hoard of vampires, against the Cullens, all because Victoria want revenge after they killed James.

You didn't mean to become this. You were human, and now you're not. You thought creatures like vampires only existed in stories, but you never thought that, for even a second, that you would become one.

You were never the violent type, so when they told us that we had to fight against another coven, you did what you thought was right, and protected a younger girl, who went by the name was Bree Tanner.

Not that you knew what a coven was; not everything had been explained to you. Only what they wanted you to know.

You had tried to escape with her, but Riley had only caught you two, and said that he would end you, if you tried it again.


As the army of heads came up from the water, you couldn't help but wonder if it was better having your head torn off by Riley, than having to fight and kill these vampires.

As they strolled to where the main area of fighting would be, a cleared-out area, in-between the forest, you grabbed hold of Bree's hand, pulling her behind a tree, when no-one else was looking. You stopped your breathing, and closed your eyes, as you heard the rest of them, go behind you.

As they went, and were gone, you breathed a sigh of relief. You heard a shriek, that came from Bree, and immediately opening your eyes, and realising that because you were so focused on the invading army, that you couldn't hear the footsteps of the wolf that was now in front of you. You looked at it, in the eyes, and you felt like there was more to it, than just a wolf. It looked almost human.

As he looked at you, you felt something tug at your heart. It was a connection, that you were pretty sure was felt by him as well. He moved closer to you, and rubbed his face against your hand, to which you responded by stroking his russet fur. It reminded you so much of your human life, it was like leaves in the autumn, the colour of cherry wood. It was long, and made him look quite shaggy. His head moved closer to you, as you stoked his head, Bree was now behind you; she had always been afraid of big dogs. A wolf howled in the distance, snapping both you and the wolf back to reality. The wolf, started to walk away, howling at the other wolf. He looked back at you, before turning and running off, to god-knows-where, leaving you staring off into the space where he had previously stood.

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