FELIX - Training (GxB)

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When Felix said that he wanted to spend time with you, this was absolutely not what you had in mind.

Maybe a drink together, gaming or even Netflix and Chill, but not something that involved the physical activity, something that you absolutely loathed.

You both were new to the "mate" thing, and with the addition of being a newborn vamp, your life was already stressful enough, without having to do exercise.

However, since you were also new to the Volturi, so this training was to be taught sooner or later anyway.

As a human with literally no social life whatsoever, you were an easy target for the vamp life, but you were specifically chosen because of the powers you already possessed.

Your powers, which had manifested when you were still human, were exactly the same as those of the curly honey-comb Cullen, he who went by the name of Jasper.

It wasn't something you had gained the ability to master, but it did make things a lot easier, to get what you wanted, which you used from time to time.

However, even with your powers, you couldn't fool Felix.

Despite the amount of times you tried, your powers didn't seem to work on him, and if it did, he didn't let it show.


Jab to the side, duck, upper cut, step to the left, block, deflect, punch, outer crescent kick.

Light on your toes, you felt your eyebrows scrunch together in concentration, as you tried to remember everything Felix had taught you.

That, in itself was hard, as you often got distracted by the very fit man that stood in front of you.

Like, now.

In a move you didn't see coming, your fist was intercepted, which sent you spiralling down to the ground.

"Are you okay, darling?"

He asked you, and he held out a hand, to which you sighed and took it, which resulted in you being pulled up to your feet.

You nodded your head in appreciation, and he just smirked at you as he began to stretch.

Eye closed, he had been reaching upwards, when his T-shirt rode up his sculpted torso.

Your eyes widened, and you clenched your jaw, biting your lip harshly.


You could only assume that he saw your expression, as his eyes darkened significantly, his fists clenched, and he audibly growled.

You copied him, now in fighting stance, raising your fists, as he curled his finger in a motion, like come here.

You took the chance he offered, and immediately you striked.

You punched, and sent a wave of confusion his way.

You grinned as he stumbled ever-so-slightly, and for a second you thought you had won him over.

Buuuuuut, you totally forgot that he had powers too.

In a flash, he had you pinned by the wrists on the training mat.

You were stunned, your head having hit the mat hard, meaning it took a few seconds to regain any feeling you had in your body.

His body hovered over yours, and you could practically feel the sexual tension that radiated between the two of you.

His eyes, now a coal black, stared directly into your soul, and flickered occasionally down to your lips, which pushed you to take a leap of faith.

Leaning up, but still restrained, you pressed your lips against his.

There was no doubt that he was surprised you had made the first move, but all that faded away as your lips crashed together again.

You didn't even pull away for air; you were both vampires, you didn't need to breath.

As you moved in unison, you forgot about the world, only breaking apart when you both heard footsteps and a laugh.

You both looked to the source, a lanky sandy-blonde Demetri leant against the doorway, arms crossed as he watched the two of you.


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