CAIUS ~ Cupcakes (GxB)

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Requested by @OrochimaruTrash

"CAIUS!" You shouted for the hundredth time. "CAIUS!"

He poked his head through to doorway of your bedroom, to see you laid on the bed, reading a book, that you'd read multiple times before.

"Are you okay, Cuore Mio?"
(My heart)

You pouted, at his words, and then sighed.

"I'm bored."

He came to you, and picked you up, bridlestyle, and using his vampire speed, sped you to the kitchen.

He loved you, he loved spending time with you, and he loved making you happy, which using involved some sort of baking.

With the ingredients already in the kitchen, he helped prepare everything, and clean the surfaces and whatnot.


After making the cake batter and putting it in the oven, you two set to work creating buttercream icing.

He wore a "Kiss the chef" apron, which was originally yours, but it made him looked adorable, so you said nothing against it.

As you stirred the buttercream icing, he scooped some out with his finger, and tasted it, before trying to get some more, but you slapped his hand away, laughing.


He put his arms around your waist, and leant down to kiss your cheek.

"Only for you, Mio Amore."
(My love)

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