CARLISLE ~ Counting Stars (BxB)

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It was nearing nightfall, and the sun had begun to set, when I awoke from a peaceful nap I was having.

Seeing as our "children", had all gone with their partners, to "sleep", or to their own homes, it left Carlisle and me, alone together, something that we very rarely got to ourselves.

I wiped the sleep from my eyes, and crawled onto his lap, sitting sideways, as straddling him, would prove difficult, because of well, my dick.

I laid my head against his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me, before he switched the thing on the tv that he had been watching off.

"Do you trust me," he asked me, as he brought my chin upwards to look at him.

I smiled, and nodded. "Of course." What kind of question was that?

He smirked, and there was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, which lead me to believe that this may not be a good idea.

Of course, I was proven right, when he stood, and picked me up, before he raced outside, everything around me blurring together as one.

He slowed to the point of stopping when we reached the edge of the cliffs, and sat me down, taking off the jacket he was wearing, and spreading it out on the grassy floor.

He patted it, and we laid together, side by side, staring up at the stars, till I fell asleep, head on his chest.

Wow, you guys, this is my very first gay, boy on boy twilight one shot.

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