CAUIS ~ Saviour (GxB)

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You are a tourist, and that is how you meet him.





Overwhelmed by the sights and the history of Volterra, you took pictures of everything you saw, hoping to save them as memories for the rest of your life.

You loved history with a passion, so when the offer arrived with a discount, you took up the opportunity without a doubt.

With a stable place to stay for the night, you would only be staying for the eeekened, but it would be one that you would definitely remember.

To your friends and family, it was no surprise that you wanted to go here.

With all the history, visiting this place was ticking off a box from your bucket list.


As you walked down the streets of the city, you tried to take in as much of it as possible.

From the market to the bookstores, it was an experience to die for.

"This way for a tour of the Volterra castle!" You heard, as immediately your attention was grabbed.

Shuffling through the village people, you ran to join the group of tourists in front of you, holding your camera tightly as you did, so to not drop it.

A woman in red, lead the crowd, black gloves on her hands, a red and gold necklace around her neck with a symbol she didn't recognise.

You were lead through a massive building, through the corridors and shown paintings of people that looked quite royal and menacing.

Your eyes caught a picture of a gorgeous man with platinum blonde, almost white hair, his eyes red.

He was beautiful, but as much as she wanted to stare at the painting, she had to stay with the rest of the tourists if she didn't want to get lost.


The deeper in we went, the worse you felt.

Something was off. You weren't sure what, and you didn't like not knowing.


As the walls spread further apart, twin doors opened to show some sort of hall.

As you walked in, you were engrossed by the beauty of the architecture, too engrossed to notice what was happening, before it was too late.

The locking of the doors behind you sealed your fate, as everything went into chaos, and you snapped back to reality.

Screams were heard, and in every direction - blood.

You had no idea what to do.

A person grabbed you from behind, and as much as you tried to fight them off, you were no match for them.

Physically restrained, you sighed, this is where you were going to die.

As you thought that, and prepared for your sudden death, your e/c (eye colour) eyes met the red ones of the blonde guy.

You were entranced by each other, and almost instinctively, both of you gravitated towards one another.

Since you were held, you tried to get out of that person's grip; he got up from his chair, to which the other two stared at him, with confused looks, not completely sure, as to what he was doing.

He came closer, and the person holding you, who was getting closer to you neck, by the second; wasn't stopping.

The blonde guy seemed to hurry up, pushing the person holding you, away.

This obviously shocked them, and a growling match started.

Another person came at you, and you, realising this man was trying to stop them from hurting you, awkwardly put your arms around him, from behind, and closed your eyes.

If you died now, at least you died hugging a hot guy that you had met like 2 minutes ago, that you already fancied.

Blondie stiffened up, but then relaxed at your touch.

Everyone in the room stopped moving completely, you knew that, as no sound was being made, that is apart from the dying people on the floor, to which you tried your best to block out.

He, Blondie, turned and put his hands on your cheeks, looking into your eyes.

And as he kissed you, you knew nothing would ever be the same...

Sorry this is so long.

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