FELIX ~ The Realm of Dyed Hair (GxB) (2)

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Felix is still living with the aftermath of you dying his hair pink, literally no-one can take him seriously.


Felix's POV
I was talking with Demetri, when all of a sudden he started laughing. I groaned, I knew what it was about; it was about the colour of my hair- again. It was like the thousandth time someone's done this to me, and honestly I think that I should give Y/N some payback.

I wonder..."Demetri, do you think that you can keep Y/N in a meeting, so that I can prepare payback for Y/N?" He looked at me, and said, "Yeah, fine." Ok, great! Now, time to experiment with shampoo and hair dye!

Your POV
You groaned as you were kept in a meeting. You looked at your watch, yes, 2 hours gone, 2 more hours to go. The only thing that you hated more than being pranked on, was meetings. They were just so boring. I mean who actually likes these things? Were they really that necessary? I sighed to myself, letting my mind drift off, and not at all caring about anything that was going on anymore.

25 minutes later, I breathed a sigh of relief. I had escaped! Finally! I never thought I'd be able to get out of that, and finally it had happened. All I wanted now, was to lay down with Felix, and chill, watching my favourite TV Program, ________.

What you didn't know though was that when you washed your hair, the next morning- it would be a totally different colour.


Coming out of the shower, I felt quite odd, but I wasn't sure why. I decided that it was nothing, and shrugged my shoulders and carried on doing what I was doing. I was about to walk out into the bedroom, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hair was green? When did that happen?

Upon realising what had happened, I got dressed, smirked and walked out quite confidently into the bedroom.

I just knew that he was waiting for a reaction from me. So I decided to give him one.

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