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Joeys POV

I stand up and grab my jacket. Daniel stands up too and holds both of my hands. I show a half hearted smile and shake my head. A tear rolls down my face and I turn around. Daniel touches my shoulder and I shake him off. I turn back around and hand him a slip of paper with my new number on it. I turn back around and walk back out of the diner.

I go outside and remember Samantha took the fucking car... great. I sit in the bench and get out my phone to call an uber. Before I can hit the call button Daniel runs out and is yelling my name.


I stand up to see what he wants. He stops and looks me straight in the eye.

D: Joey... I know how you feel towards me and I know how you feel towards Samantha. You are happy with her and I won't get in between that ok? Can we still be friends?

J: here is the thing Daniel... I want you to come in between me and Samantha but at the same time I don't... can I just have some time to think?

D: all the time in the world...

I give Daniel a tight hug and he hugs me back. I pull away and see a speeding car come into the parking lot. It swerves off to the side of the parking lot and a pissed Samantha gets out of the car.

I sigh and walk towards her with my head down.

S: Look at me...

I look at her and she shakes her head at me... a tear falls down her cheek and my heart breaks. She wipes it away and pulls out her phone.

S: explain this!

I look at her phone and see the video of me and Daniel kissing in the diner...

J: baby I was just...

S: don't baby me... you're sleeping on the couch tonight...

I nod and turn towards Daniel. I shrug my shoulders and I turn back towards Samantha.

J: you know what Samantha? I have something to tell you ok?

S: make it quick Chloe is with Emma because I was with friends...

J: that's what I'm talking about! I always considered you a mother figure to Emma but in reality you aren't! You are a sucky mother figure and I don't want you around Emma. If you aren't around Emma then you aren't around me... Samantha I'm breaking up with you and I'm kicking you out of the house... stay with your fucking friends for all I care... you need to be out of the house by tomorrow night...

S: wait... why again are you breaking up with me? Emma isn't the full reason is it?

J: she is half the reason the other half is I'm not happy! I'd rather be back with Daniel and it be unstable than be back with you! The first maybe year I was happy but after that I fell out of love... that night at the bar was me just venting because I messed daniel! You asked for me to take you home while we were drunk! What did you think was going to happen! Lucky I was using a condom or another Emma would happen and I would be stuck with a person like you! All you do is go out with your friends, drink, party, and when you come home want to have sex with me! Don't you understand? This isn't healthy... me and Daniel were more healthy than this and videos of us physically fighting are on the internet... Samantha I don't love you anymore... you have to get that through your thick fucking skull ok?

S: so what are you saying? You going back to that gay-bo over there?!

J: that's exactly what I'm saying! We need to go on a few dates and catch up some more and yes maybe we can be boyfriends again! And don't call him a gay-bo because I've seen every inch of your body baby tits! Now go away I'm going to catch up an actual good person!

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now