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Time skip till November;-; imma lazy betch

Joeys POV

I sit at the island, tipping my foot slightly as I scroll through twitter. Everyone knows about Samantha and the baby but I didn't tell everyone about the cheating. They would of told me about how much of a bad boyfriend I was, technically cheating on him twice.

I got a lot of hate when I got Liza pregnant and shit imagine what people would of said to me when I got Samantha pregnant. I mean like when I said I was bisexual to them some people said I was a, "horny bastard who just wants holes to fuck" but in reality I am a bottom in the "gay sex department."

I jump back a little when my phone rings. I sigh a little and answer it, I don't know what this number is....

J: hello?

X: hey this is Samantha... I'm in the hospital, I'm in labor

J: I'm on my way...

I run up the stairs and get my dad bag. I run into mine and Daniels room. He sits up from the bed and looks at me.

D: what?!

J: Samantha is in labor get chloe I'll get Emma let's go!

Daniel nods at me and I run out of the room. I go into Emma's room and see her playing with dolls.

J: Emma

E: yes daddy?

J: Your brother is about to be here

E: really?

J: yeah let's go!

I run over to Emma and pick her up. I put her on my hip and run down the stairs. I see chloe and Daniel are already in the car. I hand Emma to Chloe and she starts to strap her in. I speed off into to the hospital.

I run inside, chloe, Daniel, and Emma behind me. The nurse looks at me weirdly.

J: um my baby's mama is in labor... her name is Samantha?

X: she said she was waiting for you... room B-373

My heart stops... I know Liza gave birth in Pennsylvania but just hearing that room number sends chills down my spine... that's the room number Liza died in, completely different hospitals and completely different states... just puts this weird image in my mind...

I just nod my head and run to the room. I hear a bunch of moans/ screams coming from down the hall so I run to there.

I open the doors and see Samantha holding onto the rails and screaming her head off.

I see Daniel, Chloe, and Emma run into the room too. Daniel covers Emma's eyes while Chloe covers her ears.

I run up to Samantha and hold her hand. She looks me in the eyes and straight up says...

S: Joey I'm not going to make it... it hurts to much

J: Samantha pull through it please?

I see her back arch and her scream louder. She grips my hand harder. "MOTHER FUCKER! DICK SUCKING BITCH GET THESE THINGS OUT OF ME!" She screams in the doctors face. He backs up a bit and looks down.



Dr.: just keep breathing and pushing


She pushes one last time and squeezes into my hand harder, if possible. She lets out a ear piercing scream and I hear a baby crying. The doctor hands the baby to the nurse and she carries him into a back room.

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now