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Joeys POV

I put my robe on and walk down the stairs. I've been in bed all day with Daniel cuddling because I am stressed as hell. My sister is coming over today around 7:30, again I'm nervous as hell. When I had Emma she was pissed, like beyond pissed. Also when I came out to her she wasn't that happy, she really doesn't believe in bisexual people... but I guess she got used to it.

I stop in my tracks in the kitchen from my wondering thoughts. "If she is mad about Mason what would she think about Chloe and Daniels baby?" I run back upstairs and swing the door open to our room. Daniel jumps back a little and looks at me like I'm crazy.

D: Joey what the fuck is wrong?

J: I was thinking, what would she think about Emily?!

D: well all she should care about is that you're ok with it sweet heart. You may have to explain what happened, or I will, but she should be happy for you

J: yeah I guess...

After a while :)))

I slip on my uggs and walk around the kitchen nervously. Daniel just comes up from behind me and grabs my shoulders. He spins me around and looks me in the eyes.

D: Joey

J: Daniel

D: stop worrying about it... everything will be ok

J: will it tho? James is coming over soon and then my sister... baby I can't handle this

D: yes you can... repeat after me "I am going to get through this"

J: I am going to get through this...

Daniel kisses my forehead and hugs me. I just breathe into his chest, smelling how he smelt. I know it's kinda weird but I've always loved the way Daniel smelled... it always would calm me down.

Daniel picks my head up and pinches my cheeks.

J: ok grandma stopppp

D: rude! It's not my fault your cheeks are squishy

J: are you saying I have a fat face?!

D; wrong cheeks sweetie

Daniel pinches my butt, making me jump the slightest. I push his chest a little and laugh. I hear a little knock on the door and I freeze up... Daniel whispers in my ear, "Baby go answer it... everything is ok"

I nod at him slowly and make my way to the door. I unlock it slowly, trying to slow this down as much as possible. I open it and see a young teenage boy standing there. I sigh a little and I see my sister jump in front of the door.


She jumps into my arms, me falling back the slightest.

J: James, chloe is on the couch with Mason

N: Chloe? Mason? Who are they?

J: chloe is a nanny... and then Mason is my new born son

N: congrats Joesph! How many kids you got now?

J: three?....

N: oh cool where is the other one?

J: well here is the thing, I kinda cheated on Daniel with Samantha and got her pregnant... then she came to me one day and said "Joey I'm pregnant and the baby is yours." Then she ended but having two twin baby boys, I took one and she took one... Mason and Joesph

N: complicated but okie.... can I come in and meet everyone?

J: of course

I take her bag and set it by the door way. She walks into the living room and looks around. She sits down on the chair and looks looks at everyone carefully.

N: so chloe? Who is the lucky guy who is having your baby?

C: um...

J: Nicole it's Daniel

N: that doesn't make sense

D: drunk... sex... no protection... baby

N: oohhhh

I run up stairs to see if I can find Emma. I open her bed room door and I see her in her bed crying softly. Damn for a 5 year olds I swear she has the feelings of a hormonal teen...

J: aww baby what's wrong?

E: daddy you hate me don't you? I made you look like a monster

J: aww no you didn't... I will never hate you sweetie, your my daughter... I will love you forever

Emma just sits up in her bed and wipes her nose.

J: come here honey

Emma slides off of her bed and waddles over to me. I pick her up and put her on my hip.

J: auntie Nicky is here

E: really?!

J: yeah lets go

I carry her down the stairs and Nicole just looks at Emma. Her mouth hangs open and she runs over to her.

N: Joey she is still so small! She is like under average... is that ok?!

J: yes Nicole... for god sakes her mother was 5 foot tall... she is only going to be like 5'2 or something

N: oh...

I set Emma down and she hugs onto Nicole's legs. I don't know why but she is one of those people who likes to hug everyone constantly... like she is very clingy, but hey I'm not complaining....

Daniel comes out of the kitchen and holds into my waist. I hum slightly and he whispers in my ear.

D: see I told you there was nothing to worry about...

He kisses my neck gently and keeps holding into my waist.

N: Daniel! You have facial hair!

D: yeah, I let it grow now

N: yeah, I like you better with it

J: yeah so do I baby.

I run my finger along his chin a little and stick my tongue out at him. He licks my tongue and bops my nose.

J: nasty

D: what you where asking for it

J: oh so you were asking for this?

I pull out of Daniels grip and start to run away. "You can't get me na na poo poo!" I run up stairs and try to find a hiding space before he could figure out where I was.

A/N: this is a shorter chapter... whoops

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now