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Joeys POV

I check my phone to see the date and it's fucking July 26th... I missed my own daughters birthday. I was too busy shoving Daniels dick down my throat to even realize anything... I've been so horny lately because of these stupid prescription pain killers I have to take for my lower back... But I was in the hospital till July 24th but I could of done something on the 24th for her... damn I feel bad

I slowly walk into Emma's room and see her sitting on the edge of her bed playing with a doll she picked out for her birthday this year with Daniel. I watch her sigh and mumble, "Daddy really did forget..."

J: Baby I'm sorry...

She turns around quickly and then crosses her arms...

E: daddy it's ok I guess...

J: I have a gift for you!

I pull out a small box from my pocket. We went to Kay Jewelers for my friend Kaylee... she is buying her girlfriend an engagement ring. Anyway Emma saw this Gold and Sliver Cinderella necklace and she wanted it... so that's exactly what I got her.

She opens the box slowly and jumps up and down on her princess bed. Ever since we watch Cinderella together she has been obsessed.

She runs off her bed and hugs my legs tightly.

E: thank you daddy!

J: you're welcome princess

I hear the home phone ring and Emma goes back to playing with her dolls. I run down stairs to see who was calling... its Kaylee, my old dance teacher/fan/best friend...

J: Kaylee! Hi! So did you ask her?

K: actually I have a dance thing tonight, me and Rachel are dancing together and at the end I'm going to ask her...

J: oh my god so cute!

K: I would like to know if you, Daniel, Chloe, and Emma would like to come? It's at 6:30pm

J: I would love to

K: ok thanks!

J: bye

She hangs up and I sigh... I actually have to get dressed yay...

I've been waking up really early lately because the stupid pain killers make me really sleepy so I fall asleep really early. And by early I mean like 10:30pm... new record

I walk back upstairs to wake up Daniel and Chloe so we can go clothes shopping... hey ever new event you need a new outfit right?

I walk into my room and see Daniel grasping onto a pillow in replace of me. I smirk a little and walk over to the bed. I jump into Daniels lap and kiss all over his face.

He groans a little bit and starts to talk in his sexy morning voice

D: Joey!

J: time to get up sexy

I start jumping up and down slightly on Daniel. He holds my hips and smirks at me.

D: Emma is up later

J: Fine

I cross my arms and slide off of him. He gets his phone and starts to go on it. I throw a pillow at him and he glares over at me. I run out of the room and into Chloe's room. I see that she is sleeping too and I sit on her lap as well.

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now