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Joeys POV

I hold Mason as we all walk out of the hospital. Emma is like throwing a fit over next to Daniel... saying that she is not going to get any attention.

I look over and see that she stopped in her tracks. She crosses her arms and looks the other way.

J: Emma get over here now!

E: NO!

J: Don't make me count to three!

E: count to three I don't care

J: 1... 2.... 3....

I hand Mason to Daniel gently and storm over to Emma. I grab her wrist lightly and start pulling her out of the hospital. She is clawing at my hand and screaming random words. I open the doors and let go of her.


E: NO!


E: NO!

I turn her around and slap her on the butt. She gasps a little and stops crying. She backs away from me and runs over to Daniel. I roll my eyes a little and get Mason over off of him. I really should of disciplined her before now... but I came to the conclusion that she is kinda "messed up" from only having one parent... even though she is a little messed up I should of still been a little strict with her.

I walk quickly over to the car and start buckling Mason into his carrier. I sigh a little and get into the drivers seat and start tapping my hands on the wheel.

Everyone gets into the car. Daniel in the front seat, chloe, Emma, and Mason in the back.

Daniel looks over at me and tilts his head.

D: baby what's wrong?

J: nothing....

D: I know something is wrong his tell me.

J: I'm sick and fucking tired of being treated like a pile of shit... for fuck sake my 5 year old daughter walks all over me... then when I stand up for myself people take me as a monster! I am always fucking wrong

D: just because Emma was a little scared when you hit her doesn't mean anything

J: seriously in high school... we fought one time and it ended up with you pushing me into a water fountain... but people were like, "Daniel didn't push you! You tripped!" Again, everyone hates me

D: baby I don't

J: save it...

I pull into the drive way and stop the car. I get out of the car and start to unbuckle Mason out of the carrier.

I hold him gently and walk inside. I immediately go upstairs and lock myself inside of our room.

I lay down and place Mason on my chest. I rub circles on his back, trying to ease him so he can sleep. I hear a knock on the door, I groan a bit and try to keep quiet.

D: Joey let me in...

J: why should I?

D: you're upset... you need someone to vent to, give the baby to chloe and talk to me, please...

I let out a little sigh and sit up, holding the sleeping baby carefully. I push the door open and walk out of it. I walk down the stairs and hand Mason to chloe. She immediately starts rocking him and Emma just stares at him.

E: Da-

J: daddy is busy...

I say as calmly as I can. I stomp back up the stairs and sit on the bed, crossing my arms.

D: talk

J: I believe I let everything out in the car

D: then why are you still pissy?

J: I'm just scared that Emma hates me...

D: Baby she doesn't hate you!

J: Well that isn't everything... My sister texted me Yesterday and said she was marring her boyfriend of 5 years, she wants to come up this weekend from PA... she doesn't know about Mason

D: well maybe it will be a surprise?

J: baby I'm just stressed

D: aww come here

Daniel holds his arms out and I just run into them. He rubs my back while I start crying into his shoulder. He leads me over to the bed, he sits down and pulls me into his lap.

He runs his fingers through my hair and shushes me a little.

D: baby everything is going to be ok... no one hates you, Nicole shouldn't care that you had another baby, if anything happens that you need to talk about it always here... don't stress the small things sweetie

I pull off of Daniels shoulder. I wipe my eyes and nose. He holds my face and looks me in my eyes.

D: repeat after me, "I am going to be ok"

J: I'm going to be ok

D: there you go!

Daniel places kisses all over my cheek. I giggle a little and pull his face off of mine.

J: thank you for calming me down baby, I needed it

D: that's why I am here... we have been dating for like 8 months, Joey I love you so fucking much... I've always loved you almost 7 years now... I never want to let you go, please don't ever, ever... think about walking out on us... not only will it shatter me, it will tear apart our family we have, I think it will tear me apart to the point where I couldn't live any longer... joey I can't live without you...

I feel another tear roll down my face. My mouth hangs open slightly, my brain trying to process what he just said.

J: that was the nicest thing someone ever said to me. Why did you chose me? Why did you stay with me? Why do you even love me? I don't deserve someone like you... you should be off with another man who makes you happy and doesn't hold you back like I am

D: why did I chose you? You're amazing... why did I stay with you? Because I love you more than anything... why do I love you? Well I just don't know, something's are better just thought of and not known. People don't know how love works, that's just something about life we just have to keep thinking about... why do we fall in love with people? Also I don't deserve you, that's one of the bad things about loving someone, you never know when they will stop loving you back... but here is the thing... I am happy with you, you aren't holding me back, and I am never ever going to even think about leaving you Joey...

I just star gaze into his eyes. I gasp a little and fall into his chest again. I'm not stressed anymore... I'm just so in love with this man right here it hurts...

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now