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Joeys POV

I wake up and everything feels ok for once. Daniel is holding onto me like I am his prized possession. I smell chloe cooking breakfast. I hear Shane downstairs playing with Emma. I smile a little and turn over so I'm facing Daniel.

I peck his nose and his eyes flutter open. I smile again and kiss his forehead. He pulls me closer and looks me in the eyes.

D: are you ok baby

J: right now? Right there? I'm perfectly happy...

Daniel leans in and kisses me. It's slow and passionate, but after awhile it starts to get heated. I roll on top of Daniel and hold his cheeks. His tongue is exploring my mouth and I give up easily, letting him take dominance over me.

I hear a loud knock on the door and I jump off of Daniel. I hold my chest and start breathing heavily. I shake my head a little and make my way to the door.

I open it and shane is standing there with Emma in his arms.

S: she wanted to see you

J: you gave me half of a heart attack

S: were you sleeping?

J: no...

S: what were you doing then Joesph?

J: none of your business...

Shane hands Emma to me and she hugs me. I look at her confused and she smiles at me.

E: Daddy are you ok now?

J: why wouldn't I be ok?

E: Kaylee is sleeping forever, I thought you needed a hug

J: aww baby I'll be ok.

E: daddy?

J: yeah

E: will you ever go to sleep forever?

I look at Shane with wide eyes. I look around the room and my eyes lock into Daniel.

J: if Danny is here I will never go to sleep forever

I set her down and she walks over to the bed. He climbs onto the bed. She sits on Daniels lap and pinches his cheeks.

E: never leave daddy

D: I would never

Daniel kisses all over Emma's face and she hugs him.

She gets off the bed and waddles over to me. She waves at Daniel and he gets out of bed. She pulls me out of the room by my hand. I can walk on my cast now, it healed a little but you know... I liked to be carried.

I stop at the top of the stairs and she looks at me weirdly.

E: come on daddy!

J: I need help down the stairs honey

I hear Daniel walking over to me and I get lifted off my feet. He carries me down the stairs and Emma takes one stair at a time. Ugh she is so fucking cute I can't help myself.

We make it to the bottom and Daniel puts me down. I whimper a little bit and pout.

D: Joesph you are heavier than you look...


I hold my hands up like Emma does when she wants to be picked up. He groans a little and picks me up again.

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now