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Joeys POV

I wiggle out of Daniels grip and try to get dressed. He groans a bit and pulls me back on the bed.

J: Daniel we have been in bed all day naked... I have a child you know.

D: yeah but I just wanna cuddle all day

J: we just had sex and then cuddled for hours, I have to get ready for the day. It's seriously 6:30 and I need to cook dinner

D: ugh fineeee

Daniel let's go of me and I stumble forward. I walk over to the closet and start digging through our clothes. I feel Daniels arms wrap around my waist, near my pelvic area. He attaches his lips to my neck and I move to give him more room. He finds my sweet spot right under my jaw. I grab the back of his head and moan a little.

I turn around and grab his cheeks. I stare into his eyes and see lust. I smirk a bit and look down, seeing that he has a hard on. I honestly don't know what's more important. His boner or cooking dinner for everyone. I kiss him and he pushes me against the wall. He pins my arms to the wall and I talk into the kiss.

J: Daniel.... I need to make... dinner... later

He ignores me and just keeps kissing me. He starts grinding, making me moan a little louder than I wanted to.

I pull his face away and just look at him.

J: baby we can finish this later but I have to make diner for the 3rd time. I love you

D: ugh fine... love you too

I kiss Daniel one last time and he lets go of me. I pull out one of Daniels big hoddies and I slip it on. I pull out some underwear and put them on. I walk towards the door and Daniel stops me.

D: I really like that big hoddie on you... wear it more often

He kisses my neck one last time and I walk out of the room. I run down the stairs and see Emma sitting on the couch, Chloe on the couch with storm and wolf sitting on the floor.

I walk into the kitchen and look through the fridge. Chloe gets off of the couch and walks over to me. She sits at the island and sighs a little.

J: hey chlo what's wrong?

C: Emma is confusing me... saying that Daniel was hurting you?

J: oh Jesus... she walked in on us having sex and thought that he was hurting me...

C: Joey! You could of scarred her for life! How much did she watch?!

J: well I know this won't make any sense to you but around when Daniel hit my prostate I heard the door creak... so there was some dirty talking and I guess she was just watching... I was saying, "fuck me harder" so maybe she thought he was like hurting me and I was saying it was too hard? I have no clue...

C: I'm still shocked... I thought you guys locked the door

J: Chloe it was rough makeup sex, if you didn't close the door we would have done it with the door open

C: well now I know always to knock...

J: sure do, what do you want for dinner?

C: can we just like order out or something, I don't think either of us wanna cook.

J: yeah order dinner, I'm going to go "check" on Daniel...

I put check in air quotations and she looks at me weirdly. I whisper at her, "He had a hard on before I came down stairs..." chloe just nods at me and walks off into the living room.

I walk up the stairs quickly trying to get to Daniel as fast as possible.

I open the door to the room and see Daniel on the bed, taking care of his "friend"

D: what happened to making dinner?

Daniel removes his hand and sits up.

J: well chloe wants to order out...

I lock the door and turn back to Daniel. I slide my underwear wear off and throw them off to the side. I walk over to Daniel slowly and sit on his lap. He grabs my hips while I start grinding on him.

J: well Daniel if you would like... I can take care of that friend...

D: I would love that

Daniel flips me on the bed and crawls on top of me, opening my legs. I giggle slightly as he places his lips to my neck, throwing the blanket over us.

After a while :D

I hear a knock on the door and Daniel is still pounding into me. I moan slightly and I hear the bed board hitting the wall over and over again.

J: Ye-e-e-s?

C: dinner is here...

J: jus-s-t a se-c-ond....

I put my hand in my mouth and throw my head back. I arch my back as he hits my prostate. He smirks at me and holds my face. He pulls all the way out and slams into me one last time. I set out a loud high pitched moan and Daniel just keeps looking me in the eyes. I feel myself cumming, I scream, "DANIEL!" I let everything all out at once and Daniel pulls out of me. I open my mouth and he jerks off his length into my mouth. He cums into my mouth and I swallow it.

J: better?

D: well I don't know if you can eat anything...

J: why?

D: because I just filled you up...

Daniel laughs a little and kisses my cheek. I pull is head over and kiss him. He pulls away from me and throws on his robe. I grip his butt and get out of bed, slipping on my underwear. I walk down stairs and chloe just looks at me.

J: what?

C: you scream too much...

Daniel comes out from around the corner and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

D: I have that affect on a lot of people...

J: well chloe you should know...

C: well I guess

We all laugh and walk over to the dinner table. Emma looks up at me and hugs my bare legs.

E: Daddy you're ok!

J: why wouldn't I be?

E: I heard a bunch of banging up stairs and then I heard you yell, "Daniel!" And then everything go quiet... I also heard a bunch of slapping.

I look over at Daniel and he smirks at me. I pick up a napkin and throw it at him. He pouts at me and crosses his arms. I run over to Daniel and place kisses all over his face. He grabs my cheeks and kisses me.

We all sit down and start eating. I look over at chloe and see that she is texting someone.

J: hey chloe... who are you texting?

C: oh I've been talking to his boy named James Charles for about a month, he doesn't care that I'm pregnant for some odd reason. He said he likes me for who I am, also he always talks about how he likes my personality.

D: aww that's amazing... you should invite him over sometime

C: I think I will...

J: I'm glad you finally found someone....

I smile at chloe and tap her hand a few times. Daniel holds my hand under the table and I smile at him... this family is getting bigger by the month... it was just me and Daniel. Now it's me, Daniel, Chloe, Emma, Wolf, Storm, Emily, Mason, and now James. Yes I am naming my son Mason because Liza always wanted a son named Mason... Mason Thomas Graceffa...

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now