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Joeys POV

It's been 16 years since Daniel and I got married. They have honestly been the best 16 years of my life... watching Mason grow into a strong baseball player, watching Emily grow up to me a softball player, and Emma? She is a little different... at age 10 she ended up getting a modeling job... so she has been a model for a while...

It's also been 16 years since I've quit YouTube, the last video I posted was of mine and Daniels wedding... honestly it was really hard to leave but I needed to grow up and move on.


I get off of the couch, Daniel following behind me. I sit at the table, waiting for the family to come down. No one has moved out of the house yet, which I'm ok with... everyone is just happy as can be, as the one big family that pulled Daniel and I together.

The kids come down stairs, on their phones as usual. They all take their seats at the table and don't put down their phones.

Joey: Kids, what did I say about phones at the dinner table?

Emily: sorry dad...

Mason: oh yeah, I was texting someone

Emma: I forgot...

I just look over at Emma, with my eye brows raised. She smiles at me, knowing that she was lying. I just shake my head, looking over at Daniel. I take his hand and hold it tightly.

Joey: I love you...

Daniel: I love you too joey...

Chloe comes out of the kitchen, a pot of soup in her hands. James sits down at the table, pulling out Chloe's chair as he sits down. I just smile, looking at my years work of making the perfect family, and I think I finally did.

Joey: I'm sending that letter tomorrow...

Daniel: in glad you are, you haven't seen him since he was a baby

Mason: are you talking about your son dad? He probably doesn't even know that you're his real dad

Joey: Well Mason, he has the same last name as me...

Emma: I actually remember the day he was born... there was a lot of screaming...

Emily: do you remember the day I was born Emma?

Emma: well kinda, I mostly remember Danny asked Joey to marry him. I was asleep most of the time...

Chloe: when was your memory so good Emma?

Emma: I don't know, ask that guy over there... I'm surprised he didn't drop me...

Joey: well I might not be the most balanced person ever but I sure can beat you at Mario kart

Daniel: me on the other hand, I don't even know how to make the damn kart move

James: well it's the 2 button... just for you to know

Daniel: FINALLY! Joey never told me

Joey: I thought it was funny when you would get all frustrated, it's cute

Mason: you're gonna make me barf... YOU KNOW I HATE CUTE THINGS

Joey: well you have Daniel in this house hold, he is the cutest thing alive

Emily: excuse me dad? I thought I was the cutest thing alive

Chloe: as a baby...

Emily: RUDE!

Joey: what's wrong James?

I look over at James, seeing that he hasn't touched his food.

James: i got a text message today from a random number, saying that the "gang" is back...

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now