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Joeys POV

I stand in front of the mirror, fixing my tux. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, knowing I'm marrying the love of my life. Finally we are going to be together forever, we went through thick and thin. Now we can finally settle down, and love peacefully with our big family. The only thing that is missing is my other son, Joey II, Samantha texted me that I couldn't see him. Which breaks my heart but I will listen to her.

I look at my watch, seeing that I have 10 minutes before I walk down the isle. I run over to the desk, pouring my heart out to my son on this piece of paper. Am I going to send it? No... will I keep it forever? Maybe...

I add my address on the bottom, just in case I decide to send it one day. I put the piece of paper into my back pocket and fix my hair one last time. Nicole wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

Nicole: I'm so glad you guys are finally getting married...

Joey: so am I...

I wipe a small tear off of my cheek. She walks me over to the stair case. I sigh deeply and hear the music start. The doors open and we walk inside, me looking over at Daniel, seeing that he is crying. Everyone stands up, looking over at me. She leads me down the isle, Emma throwing rose petals. Nicole kisses my forehead and hands me over to Daniel.

I hold Daniels my hands, looking deeply into them. I let go of one of his hands, wiping one of his tears off of his cheek.

Priest: We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover,
companion, and friend. A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered nor absorbed by the other, one
in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.
It takes a special effort to grow together,survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish....
Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all
the days of your lives?

Daniel and I just breathe out a little, "we do..." I feel my hands start to shake. Daniel grips into my hands harder, signaling that he is nervous too.

Priest: Do you pledge to share your love and the joys of your marriage with all those around you, so that they may learn from your love and be encouraged to grow in their own lives?

Again we just look at each other, with love all around us, "we do..." we both say together, more sure this time.

Priest: may these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. As often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other.

I look over and see that Emma is walking down the isle, with the rings on a red velvet pillow. I feel tears start falling out of my eyes...

Priest: please repeat after me Daniel... I Daniel, promise to love and support you Joey and live each day...

Daniel: I Daniel promise to love and support you Joey and love each day...

Daniel smiles at me, showing me he is happy with the decision he made. Happy with me, through out everything, I think we are finally happy...

Priest: with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring thee wed...

Daniel: with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring thee wed...

Daniel picks up one of the gold rings from the pillow. He takes my left hand, placing a kiss on it. He slides the ring on my finger, letting a tear drop from his eye.

Daniel: Joey, for the almost 9 years we have known each other... these have been the best years of my life. But even though we weren't together most of that time, just knowing that you were happy with someone else made me happy for you. Just seeing that little smile on your face through the YouTube screen put even more butterflies into my stomach... Joey, you captivate every once of my soul, I'm so lucky to have you. I'm so lucky we met again, decided to start things over... I know we have a pretty confusing family but I love our family. That we made through out the years... I always hoped that you would pick me, choose me over Samantha... stay with me for eternity, I'm glad you chose me... I will love you, forever and always..

I let out a shaky breath, wanting to smash my lips into his. I'll have to wait until we are officially married though...

Priest: Repeat after me please Joey.... I Joey, promise to love and support you Daniel and live each day...

Joey: I Joey, promise to love and support you Daniel and live each day...

Priest: with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring thee wed.

Joey: with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this ring thee wed...

I pick up the other gold ring. I take Daniels shaky left hand, sliding the ring onto his finger. I kiss his hand before pulling it down.

Joey: Daniel, I would be here all day if said all I wanted to say so I'll make is short... the way you look at me everyday, makes my heart melt. The way you always bring me up when I'm upset... even the little adventures we go on time to time. Just you being a loving person in general makes me want to be with you forever, now just knowing that we are is making me the happiest man alive.... Your eyes, your smile, your heart... every time I look at you I feel like I'm falling in love all over again, I'm glad we ended up together again, I don't know what I would of done without you Daniel...

Priest: with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion. With this most precious gifts you have, the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth. I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom...

Daniel holds the side of my face, looking deeply into my eyes. He pulls my face closer to his, kissing my lips gently. I smile a little, pressing his lips deeper into mine. I hear the small amount of people we invited stand up and clap, some cheering. I pull away, looking deeply into his eyes again.

Joey: I love you

Daniel: I love you too...

I pull Daniel into a tight hug, never wanting to let go. But sadly Daniel pulls me over to the cake, wanting to cut it.

I just giggle while he drags me. I stumble in front of him. Everyone come rushing around the huge table, phones out taking pictures and as many videos as possible.

I hold the knife in my hand, Daniel placing his hand over mine. I lead the knife over to the cake, cutting a little piece.

I take a little in my hand, Daniel does the same. I take the cake, smearing it all over his mouth. He smears it on my mouth as well, me eating some. I smile a little and remove my hand from his face, looking into his eyes again, never wanting to look away.

I pull Daniels face down to mine, smashing my lips into his. I kiss and lick the cake off of his lips.

I want to be with this man forever, I'll do anything to protect the love of my life...

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now