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Joeys POV

It's been about a week and a half since someone stole Emma. All they know is a girl named, "Ashley Kimmel" did it. She is known for breaking into people's houses and stealing their kids... no one has ever found the kids. But I have a feeling that I know where she is.

Emma has an iPhone on her at all times... she always sleeps with it on her because it makes her feel like a big girl. So I've been looking around for it and it's no where to be found.

So I used the find my iPhone app and I know exactly where she is.... 637 Walnut street... the old abandoned shoe factory from 50 years ago.

I'm currently inside of an ammunition store buying 2 guns and some ammunition, you never know what's going to go on in these kinda of situations. So I also pick up a pocket knife and take everything to the register and he starts to ring things up.

X: what's this all for?

J: just a little protection in the house... my house got broken into a few days ago

X: sorry to hear that... have a great day and stay safe

J: you too!

I just walk out of the store with my bags, a huge smirk on my face. I get in my car and start heading for the shoe factory.

About halfway there I get a call from Daniel. I answer it and put the phone on speaker.

J: hello?

D: Joey where are you

J: oh I'm going to the abandoned shoe factory

D: why?!

J: I'm going to get my baby back...

I hang up on Daniel and start speeding. I take a sharp bend and parallel park into the parking lot.

Inside of the car I start loading the guns, putting one in my belt. I put the knife in my front pocket and cock my gun. I get out of my car and slowly walk inside of the building.

I see a locked room all the way upstairs, which you need a key to get inside I just roll my eyes and start walking up the stairs. I hear someone yell "HEY!" At me and starts running towards me.

They immediately recognize me and push me against the wall. I groan a little and push him off. I punch him in the face and kick him down the stairs a little. I run all the way up the stairs and he grabs me by my arm. I elbow him and get out of his grip.

I just face him ready to fight. He swings at me and I duck. I hit him over his head with my gun and he backs up a little. He kicks the gun out of my hand and pushes me against the railing. I feel him about to push me off and I look around for anything. I see a brick on the floor and I reach for it. I grab it and smash it over his face. He lets go of me and I kick him over the edge. I watch as he falls down, screaming the whole way. I hear a loud thud and a few cracks.

I brush myself off and pick my gun back up. I run over to the locked door and try to open it. I sigh when it doesn't. I hold my gun near the lock and shoot it, it pops off and the door opens slightly.

I walk into the room and scan the area. I see two hefty men walk out of a door. I hide behind a wall and I hear them getting closer. I cock my gun again and the look at the wall. Ugh do I really have to do this?

I jump from behind the wall and shoot at one of the men. He falls to the floor. The other man tries to run but I chase after him, jumping into his back. He tries to shake me off but I hold on. I take my pocket knife out and stick it inside of his chest. I pull it out and he immediately falls to the floor.

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now