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Daniels POV

Me, Chloe, and Emma are waiting in the hospital waiting room to see if he was really dead. I start tapping my foot while tears run down my face. I stare at the wall blankly, not thinking of anything.

Hours and hours pass which feels like decades. I look at Chloe and Emma worried.

C: Daniel it's 3:30am...

D: I'll wait here forever if I have to

Chloe sighs and picks up sleeping Emma. She carries her over to a couch and lays down with her, staring at a wall as tears flow down her cheeks.

A doctor comes out of a back room with bloody gloves on. Chloe sets down Emma and we both spring out of our seats.

X: Daniel Preda and Chloe Smith?

C+D: yes?!

X: well we brought back joey by jumpstarting his heart... we are pretty sure he is going to go out again. Do you guys want to say your last words?

I look at Chloe and I fall to my knees. She helps me up and wakes up Emma. We walk to joeys room and when we get inside my heart breaks. I see him with a broken arm, ankle, and wrist. I cover my mouth and more tears start to flow. He has cuts all over his face and a black eye. A white bandage wrapped over his forehead and his leg.

I walk over to him and lightly sit on the bed. I run my hand over his cheek and his eyes flutter open.

J: I'm not going to make it...

D: baby yes you are... fight it. Don't leave me please... I love you. I don't want you to die. Not now... we were supposed to grow old together. Me, you, and Chloe were supposed to raise Emma together... it wasn't supposed to happen like this... Joey I don't want you do die... no I need you not to die. Please try to stay with me...

J: I'm trying... daniel I love you and I will miss you. Baby I'll be waiting for you. I'll tell Liza you said hi. Goodbye Daniel. I love you Chloe and Emma. Daniel.... I love yo...

He gets cut off mid sentence and his heart monitor stops. I long beep filled the room, the long beep that I didn't want to hear. His head falls to the side and he lets out another long ragged breath.

Chloe runs over to me with Emma in her hands. She runs over and hugs me and we all start crying. Emma doesn't even know what's going on but she is crying too.

3 doctors come in and they push us in the corner of the room. The put an oxygen mask on him and turn on the tank. They pull out defibrillators and rub them together. They place them on his chest and his chest rises. A doctor yells "CLEAR" and they do it again. Once again his chest raises and his muscles tense up.

He sits up and screams, "MOTHER FUCKING HELL OW WHAT THE FUCK?!"

He starts breathing heavy and takes off his mask. The doctors start jumping up and down screaming. I run over to Joey and hug him.

J: what happened?!

D: Joey... you died twice


D: you got into a car crash because of a speeding car... Emma called the police, I smashed your car window and pulled you out...

J: yeah but what was the reason I died.

D: you kept going in and out of shock and in the ambulance your heart stopped. They got you back in the hospital room once but only for a little bit so we could say good bye... they brought you back again after your heart stopped for the second time

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now