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Daniels POV

I'm currently sitting on the couch watching tv. I don't even know what this show is... it's like really weird, Joey used to always watch it but the tv remote is all the way on the table and I don't feel like getting up. I would go on my phone but again it's all the way on the table. I'm too comfy to get up.

I turn my head as Emma, Chloe, and Joey walk into the house. Joey has a bottle of tequila in his hands and Emma on his waist sleeping. They both carry Emma upstairs and I turn back to the tv. I hear heavy foot steps come down the stairs. Chloe and Joey sit on the couch next to me and just stare at me.

D: what?

J: let's drink

D: dude chloe is 18

C: no one will know... plus I already had a few shots in the car with Joey

D: Joey! Emma was in the car and you were drinking?! What has gotten into you?

J: just fucking drink the tequila

D: fine!

He hands me the bottle and I pour some into my mouth. I hand it back to them and I cross my arms looking at them with a disapproving look on my face.

J: ohhh let's play I game!

C: what?

J: who is more likely too, who ever is chosen has to take a shot

D: I don't know what's wrong with you right now joey but I don't want to play... we don't want another Emma

J: I can contain myself and you're gay sooooo

C: yeah Daniel it's finneee... common playyy

D: FUCK! Fine

Joey sits on my lap and moves my hands on his waist. I roll my eyes and chloe scrolls through her phone looking for questions

C: ohh here... who is most likely to get an 18 year old pregnant

J: Daniel

C: yeah Daniel...

D: what the fuck I'm gay... I never even had sex with a girl before, how am I supposed to get her pregnant?

C; I dunno joey said you so I said you... drink upppp

She hands me the bottle and I roll my eyes. I take a swig and set it on the table. I sigh and think of a question...

We have been playing for about 30 minutes and we are all drunk as hell. Joey gets off my lap and stumbles to the door.

D: what are you going?

J: I want a puppy...

He walks out the door with his wallet. I stumble to the window and see him walking down the road. I shrug my shoulders and sit back down.

Chloe stares at me, I look at her back. We both start leaning in and before I know it we are kissing.

I thought it was going to be a short kiss but I push her head down and make the kiss deeper. I don't really like it but I'm horny when I'm drunk... she is the only one around right now.

I pick her up while kissing her and carry her upstairs. I go into her room and close the door with my foot. I set her on the bed and she backs up to the bed frame. I crawl on the bed with my shirt off. I crawl back on top of her and start kissing her neck. I pull away and start unbuckling my belt and she starts getting undressed. I pull off my jeans and my underwear and crawl back on top of her.

Unstable; sequel to "No Strings Attached"; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now