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Bridget kissed Lynx's lips once again, softly, and Lynx removed her hands from Bridget's hips, letting her off the wall. Lynx felt her cheeks heat at what just happened and when she looked over at Bridget, her cheeks had reddened as well.

Bridget looked so tempting in the moment. Her shirt was slightly crumbled at the bottom from Lynx's hands. Her lips were slightly swollen and her cheeks were pink and Lynx just wanted to grab her face and kiss her again.

"What do you want for dinner?" Bridget questioned, her voice soft and timid as she bent over to pick up the fallen doughnuts. Lynx's eyes involuntary went to Bridget's behind, and she felt a rush of blood going south. Her cheeks flushed at the thoughts she was having and she shook her head, fixing her hair before answering Bridget.

"Anything you want," Lynx tried to act cool as Bridget smiled at her, and walked over, placing the box of doughnuts in Lynx's hands and leaning to press a kiss to her cheek.

"I could order pizza? The others will probably want some too," Bridget shrugged her shoulders, her voice traveling further away with each syllable as she walked in her room.

"Okay," Lynx raised her voice slightly so Bridget could hear and opened the box of doughnuts. The icing he stuck to the top of the box because they had fell, and there were a few missing, probably the Skitsos doing, but they looked delicious either way so Lynx took a bite out of a glazed doughnut and set it on the kitchen counter. Waiting a few minutes before she decided to join Bridget.

She walked into Bridget's room, only to make her feelings worse as she saw Bridget putting on a black T-Shirt, her slightly tan skin and the perfect shape of her hips visible, the rest of her cosplay placed in the closet. Lynx licked her lips, trying to shake her thoughts from her mind.

Their first kiss was today.

She didn't want to rush it.

Bridget looked behind her to see Lynx leaning in the doorway, her lower lip between her teeth. Bridget blushed at the thought of Lynx watching her change and sat on the bed, taking out her phone. She decided not to get to carried away with the thoughts she was getting by looking at Lynx's sex hair and dilated pupils, and proceeded to ask Lynx what pizza she wanted.

"What pizza do you want?" Bridget asked, and Lynx walked towards her, sitting on the bed next to Bridget.

"Just cheese," Lynx answered, laying back, and Bridget nodded trying not to stare at the shape of Lynx's body.

After checking with the others, and ordering the pizza, Bridget decided to go take a shower. She had wiped all the purple from her body but she might've missed some. She placed her phone on the bed, and began to get up when she felt a hand on her wrist. She looked back to see Lynx's beautifully pale arm holding onto hers, her lips in a pout.

"Where are you going?" Lynx asked, not wanting to be away from Bridget.

"I was going to take a shower," Bridget murmured, leaning back slightly into Lynx's grip.

"You haven't been here the whole day, I missed you," Lynx pouts and Bridget smiled at her, leaning back further and laying next to her.

"I missed you too," Bridget kissed Lynx's forehead and opens her arms for Lynx. Lynx happily rest her head on Bridget's shoulder and Bridget wraps her arms around her, finger stroking her hair.

"So," Bridget started, pulling Lynx closer, and Lynx hooked a leg around Bridget's. "What did your mom say?" And with that, Lynx let out all the bottled up feelings she had. It felt good, talking about all the things restricting Lynx from smiling and the things that were making her anxious.

Being with Bridget, in her presence was opening up more reasons to love her. Lynx was getting extremely attached to Bridget, to the point where she might not be able to function without her. Lynx was falling deeper and deeper in love with Bridget and she had rolled her heart across the floor in front of Bridget's feet and she desperately hoped that Bridget wouldn't crush it.

She really hopes she doesn't.

I'm moving so sorry about not updating. Whoopssss.
Take this crappy chapter as apologizing.

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