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POV~ Allison

The second my hand touches the door knob, shivers are sent up and down my spine to remind me of what happened last time I was in this room.

I know that I should have told my mom about the kiss me and Rick shared but I really want to keep the relationship private for now.

The second Rick saw us he smiled.

"Hey Ms.Kamber, Ally, and Tori." My mom runs up to the side of the bed as me and Tori wave.

"My goodness, Rick! How are you feeling?" My mom says as she holds Rick's hand.

"I'm fine, Ms.Kamber." He smiles.

"When Ally told me you got hurt I couldn't help but think of the worst. I'm glad you're fine."

"Thank you. Next time I'll be careful. It was partially my fault." Rick frowns.

"Rick, if it was anyone's fault it was the drunk driver," I say

"Yeah but if I wasn't on my phone I would have seen the car." He says, his usual contagious happiness fading.

"Ok. Let's talk about something more positive. Like the junior prom, it's in three months. Who's excited?!" Tori exclaims, also attempting (and achieving) changing the subject.

"Omg, I forgot about that. What day is it?" I ask Tori.

"June 16th. We should plan a dress shopping day."

Prom is exactly 3 months away.

"That would be great!"

For a while, after that, all four of us talked about everything and nothing.

Around 3:00 am my eyelids were winning the battle of sleep. My mother must have realized this because she announced that it was time for us to go home.

I gave Tori a hug and planned on what time she would pick me up in the morning to come back to the hospital.

As I leaned forward to hug Rick he grabs my wrist and whispers in my ear.

"When are you going to tell your, mom?" I knew exactly what he meant.

"I don't know. But not yet, I'm not ready to." I whisper back.

"Okay, so I won't tell my dad."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow. It's our little secret." I say as I kiss his cheek.

"Night, Ally." He smiles.


The car ride home was quiet for two different reasons. My mom was quiet because she was thinking about Rick, and I was quiet because I was guilty of keeping my only secret from my mom. I felt terrible, my mom is one of the only people I trust and it kills me I can't tell her about Rick. But I can't tell her about this because I'm afraid. Afraid that if more people know it will be more real and will burn up into ashes just like my mother's relationship did.

Then we pulled up to the apartment. The second we were inside I got ready for bed, kissed my mom good night and flopped down on my bed with the anticipation of seeing Rick the next day.

I've honestly never been this happy in my life.


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What will happen next? Will Rick and Allison be together forever? How will their parents find out? What will happen at prom?

Stay tuned to find out more! 😘

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