Old love, New love

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POV~ Logan

"You don't remember?"

She looks back at me with her blue eyes and frowns, "I don't, I was so hammered that night."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Did you actually have a crush on me? If you didn't leave Florida would I have had a chance with you?"

She takes a moment, "I did like you a lot, Logan. You probably would have had a chance with me."

I soak in this moment, the girl I have been crushing on since grade school has admitted to liking me.

"Well, then I have a confession." I lean in and whisper into her ear "I liked you a lot then too and I love you now." I kiss her cheek gently then walk to the staircase door. 

I turn around once more as I open the door. She looks at me in awe unable to form a sentence. 

"See you tomorrow, Chick. Sweet dreams."

POV~ Allison

I tossed and turned in my bed. How could I even sleep knowing this? Better question, why did he tell me this now? I have a boyfriend for god sakes!

I stare up at my ceiling in wonder until my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see what it is.

Tori texted me:
Hey Ally, just wondering if you're okay. I didn't see you before I left last tonight.

Yeah, I'm okay. It's just that Logan told me he loves me.

WHAT?! Does he even know you have a boyfriend?

Yeah, I introduced them last night.

You better tell me what happened right now then.

I explain everything to her in as much detail as I can. And she was speechless.

I can't believe he told you this! Now you have to pick between him and your boyfriend? Ridiculous!

No, there is no choice. I love Rick; not Logan. Plus Logan is going back to Florida and everything will be normal again.

Yeah, your right. Well, ttyl, I'm exhausted, I had a great time today. xoxo

Me too, see ya.


The next morning I get a call from Rick. I hesitate to answer remembering the events of last night.

"Hey, babe just seeing how you are doing this morning. I didn't get to say goodbye last night."

"Yeah sorry about that. I was so tired I went to bed before everyone left."

"Really? Cuz your mom told me you went up to the roof."

"Oh, I did go to the roof, yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me that in the first place then?"

"I don't know."

"What aren't you telling me, Ally?"

"I can't tell you over the phone. Can you come here?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in about an hour."

I hang up the phone and then fall back on my bed. How did my life become so complicated?


About hour passes when I hear a knock on my front door. I expect Rick but to my surprise, I find Logan on the other side.

My eyes grow wide "You need to leave. Right now."

"So that's how you treat guests?" He says as he walks in despite my wishes. "I just need to grab my jacket I forgot it here last night."

"Okay. Then your leaving."

"What is with the attitude, Chick?" 

"Nothing, I just---" I couldn't finish my sentence because at that moment Rick walked in.

"You didn't tell me he would be here." He says gesturing to Logan

"I didn't know he would either. He was uninvited." I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, I'm right here you know."

"Yeah, I know," I say as I send him a glare.

"Alright, I get the message. Trouble in paradise; I'll walk myself out. See you later Chick." He winks at me and turns around heading to the door with the jacket in hand.

"What did he need?" he asks.

"His jacket but that's not really important."

"Yeah, what did you need to tell me that was too important to talk over the phone?" He sighed

"I'll just get right into it. Please don't be mad"

"I can't get mad at you. Tell me what's wrong."

I explain the events that took place on the rooftop the night before in heavy detail. I tell him about our history back in Florida and how it led up to yesterday. Rick stays quiet the whole time and listens to me.

Once I finish, he only asks one thing: "Do you love him back?"

"Of course not! I love you." I say as I grab his hand.

"Good." He smiles and kisses my head. "Just know you never should hide anything from me, no matter how big it is. Because our love is stronger than anything that gets in our way."

"Okay, I won't. I promise." I say as I wrap my arms around him.

 From that day on, I lived in happiness. I realized that the boy of my dreams loved me and I loved him, and I had no reason to let him go. No matter what obstacles we face or what might happen in the future, I have a strong feeling we are made for each other. We have an unbreakable bond. He loves me and all my flaws and I love him for all of his. 

That day I realized there is no reason to be stuck in the past and wonder what might have happened when I have my future right in front of me. It is also okay to take a leap of faith even when you think you have no faith to give. 

My everything, My love, My Rick Warren.

The End

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