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Algebra is my favorite class.

Math seems to get my mind off the constant throbbing in my coc-...Lower region.

It was the beginning of class, and I had just walked in when I figured out all the seats were taken besides one.

And it was right in front of Travis McCoy.

I swallow thickly and pray to god he doesn't do anything to make me have... One of my episodes.

I cautiously sit in my seat and for the first few twenty minutes of class, it's going pretty well. I'm working on my test and not paying attention to anything else except for solvable equations.

Thats why I love math.

There's a solution to every problem.

Unlike life, where its one insolvable fucking problem after another.

Like Travis, he's one of life's insolvable problems.

Travis puts a firm hand on my shoulder, then I feel his other hand on my opposite shoulder. I already know what's ahead, as the teacher leaves the class. I try to call her back, to say I have a question-but I don't, I just want her to stay to make this asshole stop.

But nobody ever stops. It's constant. The teasing, the harassment, the embarrassment... and I get it every single day, ever since people found out about it.

I squirm and I'm almost out of his grip, but then Evan Smith, and Eric Shekler go to my sides and hold me down.

"Guys come on! Stop!" I plead, a little more high-pitched and frightened sounding than I'd like to admit.

Evan laughs evilly and looks at Travis, who looks just as evil, "Put your phone on that vibrating app." He says and I seriously feel like I'm going to hurl.

A vibrating app? Really?


Why me.

Obviously, I'm already sweating. There are girls out with their iPhones, and they snap pictures of me, snickering and giggling. Probably taking videos as well.

I cringe when Travis's phone is placed on the edge of my chair, and when it turns on...

My whole body freezes and I try so fucking hard not to cry.

"Stop! Please, s-stop!" I squeal out, and they just press me down harder, laughing their asses off at my shame.

It only takes about ten seconds.

It always does.

I choke out a throaty moan I was hoping to hold back, with my eyes squeezed shut, and now my pants are wet, in front of a class of about thirty kids.


I'm let go on all sides after the torture is over and I feel like a famous person, because camera flashes are blinding me, and the room is filled with a roar of different sounds.

"Harry the coming machine!" Is all I hear from an array of different voices.

That's my nickname.

The bell rings just then, and the teacher walks back in as the rest of the students walk out-yeah, perfect timing, bitch.

She collects tests but mine is only half finished.

She takes it anyway.


Stay tuned xo and vote please !

I wonder how they'll meet.... Hmmm.. :)

Much love,

Amber <3

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