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My palms are sweating.

"Teenagers suck." He says quietly, looking at me like I'm supposed to answer him or something. I'm too shy to speak. Everyone knows that. Why doesn't he know that?

Does he even know me?

Ridiculous. Everyone knows me.

I'm the forever famous, coming machine.

I say nothing, when we approach a door.

"They don't know when to stop." He says, trying futilely to make conversation again as he opens it, it leads out of the high school, and into the primary school playground. I don't second guess it, I just go. What other choices do I have?


It's always go go go.

Run run run.

Hide hide hide.

"You're a teenager." I say back, letting it slip.

I immediately curse myself for talking. I always regret speaking. Always.

He looks at me weirdly with a smile as we walk up to a swing set. I can tell he wasn't expecting me to even speak, let alone be a little bit of a smart ass.

"Exactly." He says with a tiny laugh, and that makes me smile.

Because at least he's not laughing at me.

When I sit down in my swing, I can't move. Not because I don't want to. Because trust me...




To feel the wind on my face, and that butterfly swarm when you get too high and close your eyes. I want to be given under-dogs, and be pushed so hard that I touch the sky.

But if I swing, that'll cause vibrations, and vibrations suck.

And they lead to even suckier things.

Before I can realize, he sits down and starts to swing a little beside me. I feel it instantly, tingling my tummy, and burning fear into my chest.

I squeak in surprise, and blush so much that my cheeks would be sizzling with every drop if it were raining. I get up shakily, and the throbbing has gotten more painful than before.

His eyes are wide and filled with an ocean of sorry as he apologizes, and he stands up in front of me. He holds my arm firmly with the tips of his fingers for a second, and it's not creepy at all. It should be. I mean, someone you don't even know touching your arm should be creepy.

But to me its not.

Why isn't this creepy?

"You're as jumpy as a deer." He says with a small grin, "Like Bambi."

He laughs with his eyes crinkled up slightly.

And I'm laughing too, with my dimples out for the first time in what feels like ages.

Then we're both laughing, and we know not one thing about each other.

"Thanks?" I say through a soft giggle, watching him as he bites his lip back and blushes all on his own.


"My name's Louis, by the way."

I smile at him for a moment, but then it fades. "I'm Harry..." I tell him like I'm breaking bad news, because maybe he didn't know he was talking to the come machine. He'll leave now, for sure.

"I know." He says smiling sweetly.

I can't help but question it.

I frown deeply, "Then why are you talking to me?" I ask, knowing this has to be some sort of prank.

He chuckles under his breath, and it looks like he's going to admit to a dark secret.

"I have a thing for deer."


:) Did you guys like it? xx What was your fave part?

bambi!harry hehehe

Muuuuuch love! I'm so tired!

-Amber <3

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