Broken - Alex Karev

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Request: Hey I love your work and I was wandering if I could have an Alex Karev where the patient of the reader was raped and the reader breaks down because it reminds her what happened to her and alex comforts her and they end up together (I'm french so please excuse my terrible english)

A/N: Your English is fine! And thank you.

You loved doing what you do. You were an emergency room doctor and helping people felt good. You weren't a surgeon and you really didn't want to be. They spent a majority of their time in an OR room while you dealt with anything and everything in the ER. That mean you seen a lot of things. But you haven't seen everything. There was one thing that you hoped you'd never see. And, of course, today would be the day that you saw that thing. A woman walked into the ER and a man who appeared to be her husband. She was crying an you were the closest person there.

"Ma'am? I'm Dr. Y/L/N. Can I help you with something?" You asked, veering them to a bed. She nodded and sat on it carefully,wincing as she did so. "What's your name and what brings you to the ER today?" You asked, tapping at the tablet in your hand. She gave you her name and paused for a moment.

"I was raped." She choked out. You froze. You had never treated nor seen another rape victim.That had been you less than 5 years ago. You pulled yourself together, typing in the reason for the visit to the ER.

"She hadn't even left the house." The man explained. "She was in the front yard and, out of nowhere, a guy I've never seen before throws her on the ground and starts taking her clothes off." The more he continued to explain, the more uncomfortable you felt.

"I'll-uh alert the authorities and order a rape kit." You quickly explained and got out of there. You knew that the flashbacks would come at the worst times. Your therapist told you to remember that. Most of the time, they hit you like a train.

"Dr. Y/L/N. You ordered a rape kit?" Karev asked you. You cleared your throat as professionals do and nodded.

"It's for bed 10." You stood in the exact same position, not moving a muscle. Alex pushed the kit your way. "You know, Karev, you should take this one." You punched his shoulder, playfully. He eyed you suspiciously. You were crossing your fingers that he'd just take it. Take it and get it over with.

"It's not my department." He stated and shoved the box your way. You let out a shuddery breath and started to walk to the bed. The memories flooded back as you thought about that poor woman and what she had to go through. You saw yourself in her and you knew exactly why. The two of your were rape victims.

"O-Okay. Let's-um-begin." You stumbled, playing it off with a calming smile. The patient and her husband didn't seem to notice how incredibly nervous you were and that you were practically shaking. The victim opened her legs and you froze again. You remembered exactly what it was like when the man forced your legs open. You felt the pain associated with him forcefully penetrating you. It was all coming back again. You dropped the materials on the ground and shrieked at the loud noise. You didn't run. You didn't apologize or attempt to pick up the materials that littered the ground. You just stood there.

"What the hell is going on in here?" You heard Alex Karev's familiar voice. The deep octave of it caused you to whimper and flinch. You hesitantly turned around. "What's wrong? What happened?" You had never seen Karev so concerned. So nurturing. You held a hand to your face and discovered the hot tears that you didn't know were coming. He spoke to the woman and her husband, apologizing for your sudden outburst, before ushering you out of the area. Once you were away from people in the vicinity, you started to feel a little woozy. Sitting on the cold hospital floors, you tried to keep the images out of your head. A strong arm wrapped around you and, for once, it felt comforting.

"I-" You tried to speak but Alex shook his head, silencing you immediately.

"I don't know what happened." He began, shifting in position to be closer to you. "But I want to help you get through it." You stared at him. No one had ever offered that. The one thing you needed. Without speaking, you nodded. He helped you up off of the ground. "Care to get something to eat?" He gave you a lopsided grin and, for a moment, you forgot about the encounter

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