Fire Away - Owen Hunt

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Request: Hey I don't know if requests are open or not but will you please do a song fic/ oneshot of Owen x reader for the song fire away by Chris Stapleton, watch the music video. I don't want to spoil it but it's sad but such a good song. You can run with the idea whether you want a happy or sad ending like the video

Warnings: mentions of suicide, mentions of death, angst, depression, alcohol use

A/N: Based solely on the video (which you should watch). Get ready for the angst! The italic/bold is flashback.

Owen sat in Joe's Bar alone. No one to his left or right. And that was fine with him. He sipped on the whiskey drink in front of him. His mind was stuck on you. He couldn't stop thinking about you.

"There it is!" You exclaimed excitedly as you approached your new home. You and Owen had finally bought a house together and you couldn't wait to actually move in to it. Owen laughed at your eagerness, parking the moving truck in front of the house.

"It shouldn't take us long to get everything in." He announced as Meredith and Derek pulled in the driveway. They were helping after all. You squealed excitedly, helping lift some of the small boxes out of the truck. By the time you guys were done, it started to get dark out. "Told you it wouldn't take long." Owen smiled, kissing your nose. Meredith and Derek left a while ago. Now, it was just the two of you.

"I know you did." You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What do you say we check out our bed?" You smirked. Owen chuckled at your attempt to be seductive and carried you to the bedroom.

Those were the good times. Owen ordered yet another drink, watching the bartender give him a concerned look. Your smile. Your laugh. Your peppy attitude. He never would have thought you'd fall victim to depression. Not once.

Owen watched you stare at yourself in the mirror. You've been there for nearly an hour.

"You okay?" He called softly. No response. You didn't even acknowledge him. "I heated up the leftover cheese sticks-"

"I'm not hungry." Your voice came out as a whisper and Owen could sense the vulnerability. He nodded ans walked out, leaving you alone.

That was his first mistake. He shouldn't have left you alone. He should've watched over you and made sure you were absolutely okay. When you turned down the cheese sticks, he should've known something was wrong. You loved cheese sticks. They were your favorite food. If only he had known the severity of your symptoms. Hell, if he would've known you even had symptoms, this wouldn't have happened. Or, at least, that's what Owen Hunt wanted to tell himself.

"26 year old female. Lacerations to the wrists. Pulse is thready. BP is 90/55 and steadily falling." A paramedic announced, bringing a patient into the ER. Owen's ER. They brought the woman into the trauma bay and doctors swarmed her.

"Push one of fludrocortisone." Owen boomed. He started chest compressions and that's when he was able to see her face. Your face. He glanced at your wrists that were now covered in gauze and bandages. He slowed on the compressions, making his colleagues jump in immediately. Derek ushered Owen out of the room once he realized that it was you.

"Time of death. 11:19." The call was made not too long after Derek forced Owen away.

"I'm so sorry..." Derek tried comforting Owen. It didn't work. Nothing worked. You were gone.

Owen saw changes in you. Instead of laughing until you cried, you cried all the time. Instead of family get togethers and events, you'd sit alone in a separate room. He couldn't help but think that, if he would've noticed, you might still be alive. He sipped on his drink yet again. He knew it better than most. Depression can affect anyone regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation. Some make it through and others- well... It seems terrible to say but others don't.

"To Y/N." Owen whispered to himself before downing the rest of the alcohol. He didn't know why and, frankly, at this point he didn't want to. He'd be okay.

If you struggle with depression or suicidal thoughts, please seek help. I'm always available to talk and you can always call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline (1-800-273-8255).

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