Fall For You - Jackson Avery

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Request: Maybe one where the reader and Jackson study the same things (their both plastic surgeons) and she helps him on his spray-on skin project and he falls for her again (they broke up a year ago) i don't know if that made any sense, I'm sorry

For all those people who wanted some Jackson :)

Spray on skin. You thought that Jackson's idea was brilliant. As a plastic surgeon yourself, you had a feeling that this contest could open a lot of doors.

"But it's Jackson." You complained to Arizona. She nodded, not saying anything. The two of you walked in silence. Your mind was racing at this point.

"You should just ask him." Arizona pointed to your ex-boyfriend, who was surprisingly standing alone. You sighed.

"Wish me luck." You started walking over to where Jackson was standing.

"Hey..." You said carefully. Jackson's eyes met yours and he smiled. "I was-uh- wondering.... If you- if I could work on your skin project with you." You stumbled over your words, making you curse yourself in your head. Jackson even seemed a bit surprised at this.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to have another surgeon's input on it." He smiled. You nodded since you had no idea what else to say. 

"You can-uh- text me when you want to work... On it." You tried speaking a coherent sentence but failed yet again.

"I was hoping to start now." He was so calm and collected while you were a blubbering mess. "If you're free, that is."

"I'm free." You said quickly. A little too quickly. Jackson smirked at your eagerness. The two of you walked to one of the numerous skills labs available at this time of day.

"Okay, so..." Jackson started explaining the project to you and you listened to every word. He went on about the risks of the procedure and how it would work in theory. 

"Yeah, okay... So it would be identical to a graft but not a graft?" You summarized Jackson's points with ease. He lights up automatically.

"Yes! Exactly!" The plastic surgeon smiled and you couldn't help but mirror it.

"Let's get started."

OoOoOoOSeveral hours later, you and Jackson found yourselves doing everything but working. "Okay, okay. One more time." You grabbed a pretzel from the small bag that was sitting beside you. Jackson stood all the way on the other side of the room. You tossed the pretzel at him. The goal was for him to catch it in his mouth. He moved to the left in order to do so. You shot out of your chair and put up your arms like a goal post. "Goal!" You shouted. Jackson laughed, sitting back down in his chair. "That was pretty cool, huh?" He replied, still chewing on the pretzel. You fell into your chair again and nodded. "Even though you kind of cheated." You added playfully, avoiding the other doctor's gaze. Jackson's mouth fell open and his eyes narrowed slightly. You laughed and stuck your tongue out. "Well, I wouldn't have to cheat if you didn't suck at tossing." He clapped back. You were about to say something else when your pager went off. You glanced at it before turning back to Jackson. "Touche." You got up from your chair and walked to the door. "I'll be back in a few." You opened the door and left. Just like that. OoOoOoODays had passed and you hadn't seen Jackson anywhere. It seemed like the Avery was avoiding you. "I don't know... Maybe I'm just overthinking it." You confided in Arizona once again. She listened to you pour you heart out as you stirred your coffee idly."Maybe he's not over you." She suggested and you lifted your head slightly. "Just saying..." She smirked and got up to walk away. You didn't even get to get a word in before she was gone and someone else was talking to you. "Can I sit?" Jackson's voice startled you. You weren't expecting it at all. You nodded in response to his question and he sat right away. You didn't make eye contact with him. You stared at your unappetizing coffee until he spoke again. "I'm sorry for avoiding you." His voice was quiet and it lacked confidence which was definitely odd for Jackson. "So you have been avoiding me." "Y/N..." He sighed. "I can't just act like you and me didn't happen." He paused, gauging your reaction once again. "In fact, I don't want it to be a thing of the past. When we hung out the other day, I felt something." He felt so cliche when he spoke the words. It pained him. "I love you." You smiled. "I love you too." You sighed. "But now I have to tell Arizona that she was right."Â

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