Oh, Christmas Tree - Alex Karev

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Request: Alex Karev x reader: decorating the tree with Alex and the reader (Alex’s wife) says she has a new ornament for the tree and she gets it and hands it to him and it says “Baby Karev due (insert due date here)”

It was finally time. The day after black Friday was always the day you put up the Christmas tree. This year was no different. You woke up rather early on that Saturday. You let your husband sleep for a little while and you made breakfast. Pancakes and coffee. 

“Morning.. Alex grunted, walking out of your shared bedroom several moments later. You smiled and set a plate of pancakes in front of him. He knew as soon as the gesture was made. "Christmas tree?” He asked, taking a bite. You squealed excitedly and nodded. Once the two of you were done with your food, you began the task. Alex went to the basement to get the actual Christmas tree while you pulled out the decorations. It was only a small tree and you only had about 15 ornaments. Or 16 as of today. You made an ornament on your own a few days prior. 

“Okay, so it’s just this piece?” He questioned, coming back up the stairs. You answered the question affirmatively and the two of you started unpacking the box. The small tree only measured about three feet and it was white. Quite different but you loved your little tree. 

“You wanna do the lights and then the garland?” You asked, smirking. You knew that Alex was funny about whether the garland or the lights went on first. He narrowed his eyes and grabbed a strand of the lights. The two of you put the lights on together, moving to the garland immediately afterwards. Alex detoured, however, putting the garland around you instead of the Christmas tree. 

“Let me get a picture at least.” He chuckled, snapping a picture of you with his phone. “This is going on the Christmas card.” He smirked, helping you take the snake-looking tree decor off of you. He put it on the tree with ease, barely straining. He reached for the box of ornaments and you stopped him, grabbing his arm. 

“I have a new one.” You grabbed the ornament from an endtable and showed it to Alex. It was a small, wooden piece. You painted it blue. In silver, the words ‘Baby Karev due Fall 2018’ were written. Alex carefully took it from you, running his thumb over the writing. 

“You’re pregnant?” He asked as if it wasn’t obvious. You nodded, a small smile on your face. 

“I found out-” You were interrupted when your husband flung his arms around you. You hugged him back, standing still for a few minutes. You put the ornament on the tree and the two of you stood back and admired the rather bare Christmas tree. Alex picked up another ornament to continue but then he looked at you. 

“We’re going to need another tree.”

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