The Day After - Andrew Deluca

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You had only been in Seattle for a few weeks. Working as an intern proved to be hard. Sometimes it was too much for you to handle. And, when that happened, you always found comfort in your coworker, Andrew. Andrew was genuinely the only one who seemed to care about your well-being. He was always there for you. After late rounds, you found yourself getting extremely tired. You knew you should have fell asleep at the hospital and stayed safe.

"I'll stay with you." Andrew pleaded. You were increasingly growing impatient. You really wanted to be at home, sleeping. But no. Instead, you were talking. You crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head.

"I'll be fine. Call you when I get there...." You yawned, which made Andrew even more concerned. He gave you a disapproving look but he knew that he couldn't stop you. Once your mind was made, there was no changing it. You smiled at him, reassuring him that there wasn't anything that could go wrong. If only you knew... You kissed him on the cheek one last time and made your way to your car. The steering wheel felt refreshing between your fingertips. You felt unstoppable. You had a feeling that you could successfully make it home. You put the car in reverse and backed out of the hospital parking lot. Your yawning hasn't let up so your vision became cloudy. The cars passing you became a complete blur. As did the one in front of you. Before you could blink away the obstructions, your vehicle moved into the one in front of you, causing both of you to start skidding. There were other cars that couldn't stop either. You were hit another 3 times by other moving vehicles. You were crushed in between the metal of the car that has begun caving in and the center console. You could feel the blood begin to move down your face as the wound grew. The pieces of metal pressed further into your legs. Considering that you couldn't even feel it, you were probably already paralyzed. You were pretty sure that you were crying but the blood prevented you from actually knowing.

"Miss! Miss, are you okay?" You heard someone screaming. Your brain was scrambling to say something. You wanted to scream. Scream that you were okay and that everything was fine. But you couldn't. The only sounds that came out of your mouth were a few whimpers and grunts. Nothing was audible from an outsider's perspective. The blood loss finally got to you and it was like you could feel your organs start to fail. Starting with your eyes. Your vision became blurry. Even more blurred than it was when you started driving. You struggled to keep your eyelids from closing, possibly ending your life. Forever. The noise around you faded out and you finally let go. They wouldn't have been able to reverse the damage anyway. You were pronounced dead at the scene.


The next morning, Andrew was worried. He hadn't heard from you at all last night. He slept in the on-call last night, waiting for that call. Getting up, he threw his lab coat on while trying to call you again. Straight to voicemail. He sighed angrily, deciding to leave a voicemail.

"Are you okay? You didn't call last night. Call me back." He hung up the phone and started off to rounds. On his way, he noticed some of the interns crying. He thought that that was weird by itself. But he continued on. Dirty looks were dished out to him and he didn't understand it. Dr. Wilson and Dr. Edwards were even exchanging some heartfelt words.

"I didn't even know her that well. But she had potential." Jo casually remarked, shaking her head. Stephanie agreed.

"Yeah, she seemed like a down to earth person, too." She nodded. Andrew hurried passed them, worried now. Was it you? Could it have been? Walking into the patient's room, he noticed that, once again, people were crying. Their attending, Dr. Alex Karev, came into the room, scoffing when he noticed the crying interns.

"Guys, come on. I know Y/N meant a lot to you, but come on. Grieve later, let's go." Alex reprimanded. All of the interns followed him except Andrew. He just started piecing it all together. It was you. You were dead. Andrew fell to his knees as the hot tears started falling.

"Deluca, what happened?" April demanded to know after she watched him collapse. He looked up at her, not bothering to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

"Is she- Is Y/N- Is she gone?" He choked out. April looked at the ground, nodding slowly. She picked the broken intern off of the ground and pulled him into a hug. They stood there for a while. Once Andrew pulled away, he asked the one question that he wasn't sure he wanted answered.

"How?" April sucked in a breath.

"Car accident. She was pronounced dead at the scene. I'm so sorry for you loss." She sympathized and began walking away slowly. Andrew stared ahead for a few minutes. He still couldn't believe that you were actually dead. Gone forever. He needed to hear your voice one more time. So he did the only thing he could think of. Call your cell phone and wait to hear the voicemail box.

"This is Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. Leave a message with your name and number and I'll get back to you. Thanks!" Your cheerful voice came through the receiver. A smile slipped onto Andrew's face as he heard your voice. He waited a minute before talking again.

"Y/N...." His voice started to crack as he started walked down the hallway. "Y/N, I love you. I'll never be able to say it to you in person and- ugh. I miss you. Until we meet again." He locked his phone and kept his head down as he walked the rest of the way to where he was supposed to be.

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