Talk Of Marriage - Jackson Avery

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For Shaley4321

Jackson knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He loved you and nothing could stop him from showing it.

"Are you ready yet?" He shouted up the stairs. You sighed again, putting on the remainder of your makeup.

"Just a second. Finishing my eyeliner!" You replied, trying to get the perfect look. You heard Jackson mumble something and you smiled. "Alright, alright. I'm coming." You smoothed your dress out one last time before descending down the stairs.  

"You look beautiful." Jackson announced when you finally reached the bottom.

"Stop being cliche." You laughed. "But thank you." Jackson chuckles at your remark, mumbling something else under his breath. "What?"

"Nothing." He replied quickly, grabbing your hand. His eyes locked with yours and the two of you were off. Jackson refused to tell you where he was taking you but ir didn't bother you. You liked being surprised. At least to an extent. As soon as the two of you sat down at one of the nicest restaurants you've ever been to, his phone rang. He looked at you apologetically.

"Go ahead." You smiled. He answered the phone quickly and spoke in a hushed voice. He glanced at you several times while the person on the phone talked to him. He hung up after a while.

"There's an emergency surgery that I have to perform. A burn victim and he's pretty-"

"That's okay. You go." You nodded. "Go help him. I'll be here when you get back." Jackson looked slightly uneasy.

"Maybe you should just go back home."  He suggested in a small voice. You raised an eyebrow at this. "It could be an 8 hour surgery." He elaborated. "I'll take you home." The two of you got in the car and the ride home was silent. When the car pulled up to your shared home, you sighed lightly. "Hey." You looked up at your boyfriend. You didn't want him to know you were pissed off but it didn't seem to matter anyway. He knew. "It could be before that I'll text you." He smiled. You did the same before walking in your house. You really didn't want to be angry but it was hard not to be. You went inside the house, throwing your bag on the couch. You decided, after a one-sided conversation with yourself, that you were going to simply go to bed. The thought of Jackson would be out of your mind. At least until the morning. But, when you approached your dresser, something on Jackson's end table caught your eye. It wasn't there when you woke up this morning. Picking up the small box, you held it in your hand. You expected it to be a piece of jewelry but now what it actually was. A diamond ring sat in the small ring box. A small gasp escaped your lips. Jackson was going to propose.


Jackson finished the surgery in less than 6 hours. He had his phone to his ear, calling you. He hoped that you hadn't found it. He really hoped.

"Jackson!" You called after spotting your boyfriend. He walked to you, waving lightly.

"Hey, babe." His voice quivered a bit and he cursed himself for it. You cleared your throat and smiled.

"Uh- So I found something..." You started, not knowing how to begin. Jackson's face fell. He knew he shouldn't have kept it where he did. "I mean, it doesn't change anything!" You quickly exclaimed. "Unless it does for you." You fumbled with the ring box in your jacket pocket. Jackson carefully grabbed the hand that was deep in your pocket and pulled it away. He proceeded to grab the box out of your pocket. 

"I-uh- I was gonna do this in a way that was... Classy." He searched for a word. "I'm always here and I didn't want to drag you in but- well here goes." He kneeled in front of you. "Y/N, will you marry me?" He awaited your answer patiently as you stared at him in awe.

"Of course." Your voice came out as a cracky whisper. Even though you promised yourself you weren't going to cry, you did. After all, it wasn't the first time and it definitely wouldn't be the last.    

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